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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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 No.89397[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Pic related & [redacted] romance thread.
The chon never gets in the way of true love & romance.
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>you will never lick trevor moore's brown chocolately nipples


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He was married.


so? like that ever stopped me


>>90511 (checked)
notice fagvid always crops out the juicy funbags

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Wyatt Mann sings a song
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I love latina pussy which is halaal
you love nigger erections which is haraam
don't twist my words, kafir!


shut up retard, even bringing up penises is haram, find another grift


I am performing a deen by admonishing your haraam thoughts and actions


shut the fuck up retard

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how's you guys' sex life?
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I learned it by watching you! okay?


just creampied a thicc latina

chudcels could never


noone cares incel

bbc's where it's at


avid falls down his own butthole and wakes up in bbcland


I would read this manga

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I'm looking to get a projector for my living room instead of a television. I have done a little bit of research (I don't know much about this topic) and apparently it needs to be above 3000 lumens to be watched in the day time. I'm not really fussed about using it for regular free to air digital TV (though I guess I can get a set top box for that) and would like it to be able to project to 100" and have at least 4k resolution; I'm planning on using it to watch stuff off my laptop and/or any streaming platforms.

Do you guys have any recommendations as to the best kind of projector for this purpose? I have a large wall I can project it over, at least 5 m, but I can have a shade installed.
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projectors can be noisy. Also pay attention to the image resolution.


It's dangerous, the rain can ruin the machinery.


thats why you dont set it up while its raining you stupid fucking retard


The rain can come suddenly


shut up retard

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The haters. Can anyone explain what their problem is?

>Me. I'm the problem it's me.

>Doesn't work as an answer
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*hides thread*


you can't love everyone, you have to hate someone. The problem with your haters is that they choose to hate you.


your haters' dicks are just too fucking big


you would know about that wouldnt you

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dam this site slower than shit lol
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im not slow
shut up pedophile


tiny stubby legged stuck up weeb retard with small tits and a flat arse


this guy has what i think is the most annoying voice ive ever heard



It's pretty bad, yeah. Shut it off within 4 seconds. Also crap content. Cowshitters should be purged.


his voice is fucking putrid, i have never heard a worse voice

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More cultural enrichment for Europe courtesy of Israel


However, they have taste and wits, they don't run to Burkina Faso, they don't run to Congo, they don't run to Peru.


At least they will read the Qoran and hadithes and kill all the homosexuals in the EU. That's not so bad.
Homosexuals are usually executed by the death penalty under sharia law.


Will they go to England? Maybe England won't accept them because it's not a member of the EU now.


I agree, the smart way to deal with the microscopic minority of kiddy fiddlers (LGBTQPASDFROFLMAOBBQ) is to mass-import violent brown kiddy fiddlers so that they can throw their competition off buildings. Inshallah my white brother.


I wonder what would happen if two small African black states were cunning enough to declare a fictitious war on each other in order to declare their populations refugees and continue the colonisation of the EU by black folk.

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I was looking for dead chans to maybe take over. It looks like you guys are retarded. Depressive imageboard. This place genuinely feels grim.
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You're just pretending to be a retard man, you know that doesn't count




you forgot the part where i sex dogs. trowlned u fags good kek.


I wanna find op and rape him until he dies


You're retarded yourself, so it's not for you to judge me!

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Houston rapper Viper accused of kidnapping, holding woman captive for years

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total nigggot move

patricians get consensual sex like it ain't no thang


injustice in ameri-KKK-a a gain

free our boy Viper the rapper

bring him to fishtank


Sammy only lets 18-25yr olds on his show, as contestants.


Extremely based.


USA is weak, it is weak to send him to labour to hit coal with a pickaxe for the rest of his life. But the Tsar would have done so, and done justly, and the whole society would have approved his judgement.

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Admit it, anonymous, you're jealous of a black man's long black cock lengthened by top class black African magic!
Your white women don't want to have sex with you because there are such outstanding black guys!
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fagvid is King Bibisi's most prized consort.


hey gayboy is this your thread too?


Do you have proof? It sounds exactly what you'd make.





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Never goon before you jelq!
Always jelq before you goon!
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imagine being the gayboy BBC spammer


You mean NELvid?


I think he does

yea that's what I was saying, I would kys myself if I was fagvid


thats you though you deranged cunt
your posts here are shit, im the most famous person here, who the fuck are you?
you wish you were me you little retard



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me and me gf rate
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A beautiful couple, you mean?


On 4chon, love prevails. This thread is proof.


Yep avid it sure is you





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be honest, which is your master?
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You're still beholden to the laws of the land, you're more or less legally compelled to work in some capacity unless you're willing to feign extreme mental illness/be a single mom or an n-word. Being a wage slave is the absolute worst way to accrue wealth and putting in the bare minimum from that position is the only cope someone who has no desire for finery or sumptuous living has. However, in so doing you harm yourself in a way, too. It's a fine line and I don't think there's a perfect answer for it, just ones that are better than others.


It depends on how much material possessions one feels the need for. I would rather work two days a week and live in a car than be a full-time wagie. Sleeping in a tent and being full-time homeless looks preferable to wage slavery. Food is often freely available


Yeah I agree for the most part, and I've definitely been in that camp, I was only working 2 11 hour days for a while adding up
to well under 30 hours a week but my boss keeps finding ways to rope my ass back in when I get in a desperate situation heh


Money gives you control. It might seem like the opposite, but you can't even peacefully live in a tent or a car without having your own land for example.


Living without money is bad, and you can't talk to God, he doesn't answer.

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dead bort
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And they secretly make fun of manlet robots behind their back.


Is that a euphemism


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you absolute baka


Based, he got it

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>my chicken Rarity finally hatches a baby
>he's broken and just screams at her all the time
>she tries to abandon the baby early, several times, but he just keeps going back to her
>he starts to rape his own mother
>it's been a week now and after perhaps a dozen rapes she seems to have accepted it
>the rapes have made Rarity look weak, and the older teenage boys have began raping her directly in front of her son
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Is Kick h'worth checking out?


so the friendly homeless man in the white shirt was following around the camera guy, just trying to catch up, wanting to give him a cool object (a knife?) he had just found on the ground, but the camera guy used it as an opportunity to kill the poor homeless man instead, just like another gun-toting, coldhearted, power-tripping maniac, obviously citing "a self-defense situation" and "being scared" and "wrong neighborhood" as some sort of an excuse. this is america folx


>70,000 chickens


>I could imagine Avid being a tweaker like that guy and chasing me with a knife.

youre an obsessed faggot



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