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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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dam this site slower than shit lol
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i know i do


it's kinda like you in that sense


oh look it's another "lush gag being gay" thread


im not slow
shut up pedophile


tiny stubby legged stuck up weeb retard with small tits and a flat arse

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>my chicken Rarity finally hatches a baby
>he's broken and just screams at her all the time
>she tries to abandon the baby early, several times, but he just keeps going back to her
>he starts to rape his own mother
>it's been a week now and after perhaps a dozen rapes she seems to have accepted it
>the rapes have made Rarity look weak, and the older teenage boys have began raping her directly in front of her son
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Is Kick h'worth checking out?


so the friendly homeless man in the white shirt was following around the camera guy, just trying to catch up, wanting to give him a cool object (a knife?) he had just found on the ground, but the camera guy used it as an opportunity to kill the poor homeless man instead, just like another gun-toting, coldhearted, power-tripping maniac, obviously citing "a self-defense situation" and "being scared" and "wrong neighborhood" as some sort of an excuse. this is america folx


>70,000 chickens


>I could imagine Avid being a tweaker like that guy and chasing me with a knife.

youre an obsessed faggot



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When I was doing DXM the other day I held my breath for a few seconds and my heart rate dropped to zero. Was I on the verge of death? I was so curious lol so I kept trying it and it happened again and again, at least a few times. Fuck me the hallucinations were wild though. Almost unbelievable. Puttitn together a list of films to watch while under this state. Was watching Predadator (the first) and at some point Anrold did something fuck I cant remember lol.
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>But it's also a pain that she seems to make herself hard to pin down to ask out
She's not interested fam. If she was then she would make herself available. People make time and space for their interests

Other fish in the sea


I haven't gone in (on the days i know she works)since that Karen manager went weird on me. But that was like 12pm on a Thursday, it was busy and the girl was running around. Was impossible to ask her out like that unless I saw her in a lane. But my patience has limits honestly, I think I wrote it before but despite the fact she paralyses me I still think I'm more valuable than her. She's a hot smart young girl but I'm a decent looking intelligent manwithaplan.


Abundance mindset is key. You are better


I believe that unironically. One of the main reasons I was interested in this girl was because we had/have such similar faces and would've made very good looking children.



Also when I did those beach approaches like a year ago some of the girls LIKED me right off the bat! I mean they were giving the obvious IOIs like smiling and hair touching and batting their eyes.

I'm critical of this notion of not relying on external validation. Obviously external validation matters, its how and why people are drawn to the incel community - they are ugly and/or they keep getting rejected. Makes sense as to why they stop approaching or don't make any attempt whatsoever. And when I've approached a few women in a row and they all like me or at least are nice and polite it feels GOOD! And vice-versa - I had one time where like 5 women in a row were not interested at all or had boyfriends (sortof the same thing really), and I was trying to suppress the butthurt, but it was a challenge.

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>"jump off Neo its like minecraft with the water bucket thing" - norph, the mattress
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youre always making some gay reference, if anyone is gay here its you


we call you gay because you don't play minecraft anymore


i do i just dont upload videos of it


minecraft vids or dildo vids



sexual harassment

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does /lounge/ support vaccines for black teens?

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 No.80596[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


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Isekai was a mistake. Never let kids near it.


Christianity is an isekai


This is why kikes want to slander salt, probably.


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Those are both cool names

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>be me at discord
>I'm a straight guy
>usually having cutesy anime or anime loli avatar
>decide to change into an anime lewd avatar
>suddenly get DMs and friend requests from random thirsty people

aaaaand back to the anime loli avatar
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hiding this shit thread


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Most likely non-self-inflicted natural extinction events for Earth-derived life

1. Asteroid or Comet Impact

Time Range: Any time, but significant impacts are statistically expected every few million years.
Details: Large impacts (like the one that caused the dinosaur extinction 66 million years ago) can cause mass extinctions by triggering climate change, fires, tsunamis, and blocking sunlight.

2. Supervolcanic Eruption

Time Range: Hundreds to thousands of years.
Details: A supervolcanic eruption, such as the one that formed the Yellowstone caldera, could lead to a "volcanic winter," drastically affecting global climates and ecosystems.

3. Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB)

Time Range: Thousands to millions of years.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


>be smiley
>smoke meth
>gradually become pedo


>at discord

Do zoomers really speak like this? How many skibidi toilet have you watched OP?


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Shibari / rope bondage is repulsive, it's a fetish only lolcows and psychopaths like


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The way she treats books is psychopathic.

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 No.21353[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This thread will be used to discuss food, cooking, and other related topics.

hdv please delete spam
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Checking if this is bumplocked


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sosite PANIK


H'wow. H'what a beautiful home!


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I think that this deserves it's own spread in architecture digest.


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Hurts my soul

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which one and why


new le moa video, fuckers!


based and moa-pilled

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To previous 4chan permanent bans I would send them emails to unban me. Not anymore. I've fed up with 4chan jannies banning me all the time for bullshit reasons, with them not even having the guts to be honest about the reasons they ban you.


dont care


Apparently my 4chan ban message I get when I try posting from Firefox and Brave Browser doesn't apply when I post from Google Chrome. Sus.

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did it even happen?
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the towers probably remind you of willies

amirite, fagvid?


watched a few of the jared taylor vids on this site this morning, interesting stuff, but i felt myself feel a sense of completion in learning essentially all there is to know about race based topics, i feel as though now that i will move on and forget about white and black this and that



foky how is it that you are this consistently unfunny?


fagvid how is it that you are this consistently nigger erection licking?

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Beautiful White Women thread #3
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reminder that HIV has literally never posted attractive women, that cunt is gay as hell


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god forbid even one site not be full of fap material

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