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lol butthurt
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Do we really need experts to judge if a joke is funny now?


Every transaction must be regulated.


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lol butthurt


laugh it up, shabbos boomer


Nuke Ayran, those filthy Moslem hate Jesus.

Also bring in all India. Their good for Theconomy.

You say: a house. I say: a 40 person rental slum-unit.
[ Translators Note: a 24/7 scam call-center, an Uber Eats curry-factory ]

American Business is back, bby!


have any of you guys had an unironic "great reset' in the past 4-5 years? my character arc since 2020 has been absolutely insane
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A comfortable life isn't always a healthy life.


hamplanet cope


this is me except I happen to have started it when i was born somehow but then a lot of bad shit happened in last few years that put my life down for good. neet is cool though survival


neets are literally natural phenomenon. it is biological response from danger of technology and silicon garbage


now that we talk about biology let's talk about the different worms, capiche? All of us need to get firm grasp of worms after all since we are all related to them. how about penis worms and spoon worms,?

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Just a week until the big day. What are you doing to help spread Christmas Cheer, anon?
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I didn't make that post


Women are sexy and look good wearing stuff that accentuates thier bodies.


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Merry Reimas




called idoltary wtf


I fixed your gay comic
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me on the left


By virtue of the fact that they're on the subway, they're all probably thinking about how much they hate their commute and the misery they have to look forward to when they arrive at work.




das str8 fiya


reminder you cant fall into a good mood and you actively have to be happy


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just farted



i'm 2 sips into today's second serving of acrid cafe bustelo coffee mellowed by organic Kalona low temp vat pasteruized, non homogenized whipping cream

gf is napping last i checked. i am probably going to wake her in the next half hour. but first i have to write up a coffee tier list.

top tier: Death wish

good tier: Peets, black rifle reble motorcycle coffee company

meh tier: starbucks, mcdonalds, dunkin donuts, seattles best, Kroger store brand

bad tier: YUBAN, Folgers, Maxwell house, Doller General store brand, STOK

what i'm not sure of is where in this tier list to put Cafe bustelo. It tastes pretty bad but in a nice way like a cigar or something

it snowed here last night and I shoveled and sweeped a bit this morning while wearing socks and flip flops. My retard boomer neighbor Terry was using a wheeled snow blower on his steps. imagine how bad your OCD would have to be to use a wheeled snow blower on steps. Terry also mows his hill using a rope to pull a push mower up and down the hill while standing at the top of the hill.
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what are some non instant coffees you've tried and please detail everything about how they were prepared; what kind of water, how hot you boiled it and for how long; pour over or french press or coffee maker or whatever.

I conjecture that you have not ever had a decent(ly prepared) non instant coffee.

i have never had instant coffee hehe


>I conjecture that you have not ever had a decent(ly prepared) non instant coffee.
I'm not bothered, its coffee, I dont drink it for the taste


>Listen Chad. I hope you and your gf wind up as gore spam on /b/.


>Listen Chad. I hope you and your gf wind up as gore spam on /b/.


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 No.77180[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post about upcoming films, videos and any other related media ITT, post about what you are hyped for, reviews, and so on

Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga trailer 1 (releasing mid-May 24)
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I wonder if John Carpenter really didn't intend for the aliens to be interpreted as jews or if he just denied it to avoid cancelation. Ultimately, it doesn't matter what his intent was seeing how many people independently reached the same conclusion for what the aliens represent (obviously, there are other popular interpretations, but jews seems to be the biggest one and it makes the most sense to me).


The first one.


Seemed painfully obvious to me. It's surprising they let this movie be created at all. Also surprising how many people can watch it and still be completely unaware


What movie is this?


They Live


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I don't see why. Your own behavior led to this result. If you didn't go around insulting every single person on the board and accusing them of being dog or whatever boogeyman you're obsessed with, people wouldn't dislike you.

If you're mean to people, they will be mean back to you. This is the sort of thing most humans learn when they're 4 or 5 years old, but it seems you haven't quite got there yet.


you're categorically wrong on that, on the old iterations of 4chon one particular poster started spamming that cumslut phrase while pretending to be me, over and over, it was whatever at first, then it got annoying, then it got very annoying, I didn't just start shitposting out of nowhere


fuck off, avid, nobody gives a shit, kys already


you can't refute my point so you resort to telling me to kill myself, just say you can't refute


didn't read btw


this is me
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we can dance if we want to
we can leave your friends behind


because your friends don't dance and if they won't dance, well, they're no friends of mine


say we can go where we want to
a place where they'll never find


 No.92661[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Nu blog soyim

Prev: >>89101
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The bad: My supervisor has gotten it into his head that the warehouse might be switching to a new site sometime next year and we could be out of our jobs, but it's all based on his "truly expert" investigation skills. Still, the chances of him being right are enough to worry. Every flippin time things go right aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

The good: A qt trad natsoc Youtuber I used to watch has come back to the platform. She can't do politics anymore but has been rambling on about esoteric stuff. Still cute. Still looks like an elf.

>kratom, used for fun regularly for a few months
<Involved feeling like death and vomiting for 24 hours
Sounds like a real blast. Why don't more people make themselves wish they were dead for fun.


frieren is bretty cute heh


I was specifically talking about what withdrawal was like


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Winter Solstice. Happy Yule.

Aura also cute.


Is coffee really that that bad?


Got any big personal goals or challenges planned for 2025? Let's think about what we'd done right and where we'd gone wrong in 2024-and how to make 2025 our Best Year Ever!

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I hate weebs and anime so fucking much


Need nigger gf.




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 No.66696[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Let's learn how to draw, m'fellas.

Drawing is a meditative, cathartic activity in which we attempt to interpret the world around us, or create a world our very own with every line and every page.

Give it a try, it's never too late to learn something new!


Drawing Software:

Drawing Tablet:
Ebay, Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace or any regional facsimile

Look for
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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What's like the correct justification for legnth,angle,direction of a line (eg.marked red) of the objects based on the object and the perspective so to, produce, a physically and mathemathicall correct, or at least, visually? like, this isnt correct. the arm positions. i suppose. so, systematically, how is this corrected based on, sufficient data?


also my orientation is ruined when its upside down... i wonder why.


Why's the thread so down here molder-vulgars


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i use AI and said john buscema and then joghn buscema marve lpublicity photo while looking at wikipedia. it definitely not has mind reading capacity as of yet. https://dezgo.com/text2image/sdxl


Yep no skill, no one cares OK.

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Has 4chon been reading anything good? Fiction, nonfiction, comic books, manga, web series... it's all good.

Me, I've gotten back into reading and writing fiction this year in a big way. Currently reading "orconomics", a very well written dungeonpunk novel series. Has a lot of discworld inspiration I think. The author is obviously left leaning but managed to make a very compelling setting and story that isn't overly preachy, which is fairly unique in modern fantasy fiction which is more often than not treated like a soapbox.
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fuck off, avid, you insufferable nigger


cry about it




women will fuck anything if there's money involved
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I'm not gay but I'd pay good money to see avid solve this conundrum.


says the retard who obsessively brings up gay shit, unprompted, in disgusting detail no less




Who wouldn't? We need to make avid an onlyfans so he can pay for 4chon's hosting costs, and get all the BBC he needs to thrive.


you need a mental evaluation

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how come I can't download videos from here?


User error, low IQ, etc.


you can't save them even by clicking or right-clicking the filename links above?


because you're a stupid nigger

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