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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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>no dude dont unceremoniously kill me right here on the spot its le funny heckerino qweefarms prank ok just a little libertarian principles firstamendment freedom of speech trollign

i fucking hope that happens
on camera

it would be SOOOOO funny
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don't interact with me on this site. you are making me miserable.


What are you crying about this time?



Yeah i don't know the context of this, why the woman was on the road etc. But the dash cam owner should not have escalated.


Had she used the starfire before popping me off on the highway, then wouldn't this be my heavenly pleasure today?


how did she escalate? she just kind of honked her horn at the woman

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whats going on haters
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Cap #1


Cap #2

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If you're so straight why are you uglier than a fag?
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OP masturbates to that kike he posted


I haven't masturbated for 2 hours.


would tbh


but when you did it was to that MAN because you're are GAY FAGET



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HOLYSHIT GUYS, search "ADHD paralysis" on tiktok, lazy people are special now.
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I know how to get over procrastination. You figure out the longest amount of time you're willing to do something then do it. Then you take a break, then you reassess and do the same thing. And try to hold off on videogames/fun until the evening. Whoila. Any questions?


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Controlling breathing can combat ADHD, as it can combat every other mental problems that are out there


what was meant by this? ive been trying deep breathing exercises if thats what you meant.
as someone who struggles with procrastination consistency is easily my most difficult struggle. i can work hard and steadily for a couple of hours but burn out very easily. it takes a certain amount of discipline to be able to be consistent with work ethic, i can admire that.


>i can work hard and steadily for a couple of hours but burn out very easily. it takes a certain amount of discipline to be able to be consistent with work ethic, i can admire that.
Don't feel too much pressure to sink a lot of time into something, it's more important to make a habit out of doing it at all. A person might force themselves to go to the gym every day even if they don't end up working out much for example. As long as they keep it up they are going to end up working out more often as a result.

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Imagine marrying a 36 year old used up roastie who already has two girls, 7 and 9, and who literally lost her virginity at TWELVE to a BRAZILIAN boy (or man, does the roastie even know??).

How the White man has fallen! David Harbour is Jewish heh

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Niggers don't afford a prostate exam early enough. That's why they can't be as smart.


Who cares

You're actually jealous he's not dying alone


I haven't had sex for about 12 years now. you underestimate my power


You said only half of your people are goin to be counselors, and the rest of them are like bungie jump instructors



If only this nigger saw those /pol/ women-virginity-marriage study pics

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Who else is watching the Sam Sulek saga? This guy is based. Will die at 25-26 but doesn't give a fuck and will keep pushing it to 11.

I also think the daily vlog style is interesting and its pushing things a bit further towards a social media style which is more personal but also more invasive (it must be basically both at the same time).
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niggers can still call your hapas racist
kikes can still call your hapas antisemitic


End of cut vid


This is the most chadly way to commit suicide tbqph. Zyzz wasn't half as big as this lunatic


I hope he has his heart attack on camera and images of him foaming at the mouth and shitting himself become memes


I don't see where he has to go from here because he's so big already. And I wonder what kind of content he'll shift to when he stops gaining...

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Utena's feet.
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Second from left.

>approximately 2,000 Jews were shot


far left




>if like the metal is magnetic and plastic isn't magnetic can u like bool invert metal in proximity of plastic to be not magnetic and the plastic to be magnetic and suck up all microplastics

sleep and water deprivation brain is like the nigger weed intellectual brain whomagavehawedtoudought

smoke the nigger weed yo 420 bake yo


Well, as you know the the problem for us gay guys is that when you wipe the ass pieces of the toilet paper often gets stuck down there. The opening is so out of normal bounds now that the paper gets pushed IN there and then it clenches shut, so within the motion of a wipe, a piece tears off and you got to really dig into there with your fingers to get those remaining pieces out.

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I bet depersonalisation now
I can feel im the here and now and its so freaken good, my romantic feelings are coming back too and im on my way to gaining my arousal back

I used mostly affirmations but recently what helped me was adding herbal teas, crystal jewlery, vagus humming stimulation and swimming

Anyone here depersonalised can beat it too, yku just gotta believe in yourself, believe in the affirmations, and make the bad thougjts go away and just learn to relax and know you ARE in the now and here!
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You are a faggot nigger and nothing you say will change this fact.


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this is what brapisaga supports


This OP. You are a faggot niger.


Suspiciously skinny hand


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you dumb asl XD this coconut banana nic cured my shit js fine u can keep ur rocks

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im wayne carini and i chase cars
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Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


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clean it up janny


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He chopped down that cherry tree and was a compulsive liar.

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How to plan out/depict canvas that will depict/contain enough details for 600k traffic/sales
Basically whatever defined as "enough" in the market for such number or any, calculatively,
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>>68357 well thats just their problems. You coming here should be to put something useful here. But i guess your muscles have pressed in to your brain, you cease to process anything else but your bubbling level of alcohol. Sorry that you are a nutjobs. But i guess you are as unemployed as the amount of free stuff you share here. Oh sorry, free time, s it dont even count as stuff, even per you.
I dont meddle with idiots


>>68357 maybe you and your 4chan lots should start naming your inputs as intelligent minds or uh "tutorials" so i can actually ask for a useful set of instructions like running cars or where to turn but boy
I guess they do not worth that much either, and your log brained skulls are too slow they are best replaced with AI.


>>68366 says the joker. Get your own thread

You ve been very lazy yourself, pinkman. So shut it, cuz you didnt teach the high school or cook.


>>68373 show me your result maybe, so i can tell your pull ups even help you pull a single line


>>68386 everyone got wasted in gaza so idk what you are talking abou

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if i was in power structure i would want that people from below theoretically capable of opposing me by strategic action and force would be
1. drug addled
2. neurotic
3. irrational

so i would promote and make them listen to "lil scoon" and "yung jigger" latest mumble raps about popping xans and wearing dem yeezys, yee

mumble raps and slut-brainwash edm are literary the only 2 forms music of music that can legally even exist, they are mandated by state, and the prior is the only remotely masculine form of music - to direct masculinity mostly away from political and religious movements and groups, disciplined and productive actions
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>I haven't thought very much or hard about why Jews don't allow drugs more freely
I assume a major reason is because it could make the goyim too unpredictable.


Maybe, seems alcohol is rather placating overall


but how do u yeezys on dem pegs, you aint even thought about that


one of the benefits of have people from below theoretically capable of opposing be drug addled is that they are in constant fear of the law that way and as a result less likely to participate in political activity because they fear drug arrests and not being able to sustain their addiction in jail.
another reason is that if drugs are illegal they command a higher price and the people from below can be better kept impoverished this way.
the illegal drug trade is in america is almost entirely controlled by government agencies, particularly via the FBI's criminal informant program.


Maybe but I don't think that really applies to political action. Many drugs make people disinhibited but that is not exactly going to turn them into revolutionaries or even violent actors.

Those are good points, especially that if people are known drug users they can be targetted by police for raids.

I follow some news on drug arrests and cops seem to go after manufacturers and/or suppliers and/or darknet hosts. But I'm not sure at all of the how, when and why and otherwise the logic behind this. I mean the various authorities seem to push drugs whilst also sometimes, in a way that I don't understand, come down hard on the suppliers etc. Maybe its just to shake things up and not let any one group or entity get too much power or control.

I don't know about the idea that hallucinogens can inspire revolutionary action. Jews and/or elite groups pushed psychedelics in the 60s to psyop the hippie movement into support mass immigration and open borders etc, but that was all done by the 80s. Nothing like that happens now afaik. Some psychedelic users - hippies, ravers, homos etc, go to festivals or raves and get high and probably be promiscuous but I don't think that culture is even very big anymore.

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give yourself some credit! the free speech angle was an original idea


I got it mixed up with the channel 101 trailer, which also featured Rick asking Morty to lick his balls. I'm starting to think there's something up with these writers.


I'll tell ya what's up with 'em:



Mr Poopy Butthole declined Rick's offer to 3D print him an apartment on the moon.


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gentlemen, contain your orgasms


>Roiland not writing
>Roiland not voicing
>Harmon not writing

A real Ship of Theseus situation here. Who gives a shit about this show anymore

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Retarded Moments in Pornography 2023

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Incredible Acts, Depraved Humenz: Part 6



>get this bro, I'm getting my dick sucked but like while holding a gun


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as a straight-sexual male i ensure that every porn picture i collect has a husky guy's balls, penis, buttocks and body in frame because that reminds me how straight-sexual i am


Much straight. Very wow.


It's been a while since I played Katawa Shoujo. Only ever played the Emi and Rin routes, thought I'd 100% the game. As was, I stopped because the Emi route really suckerpunched my feels good while Rin just annoyed me. Just finished with Hanako. I think I'll go with Shizune next. The Hanako route was alright. Didn't hit me as hard as Emi's did but I still peeled some onions over the end like a bitch chef. One issue I had with it, which kind of hovered over the ending, was where the game kind of lies to you about being able to choose your path. When Lilly leaves and you have a choice on giving Hanako a choice on what to do with the day, it seems so arbitrary. Then later on it's obvious that Hanako's boxed into a corner and you shouldn't force her out of her shell, and the game gives you this option to leave her be or be a retard, but depending on what you did when Lilly left, either option has the same result. I do not understand that at all. "Hm, I won't be a retard, oh wait, even though I chose not to be a retard I'll go be a retard anyway", what the actual fuck. And of course I didn't think to save a different file for the choice so after the bad ending I had to zoom through the game again to figure out the correct decision. It sort of cheapened the experience. Still, Hanako a cute. The bar scene where she says she's there for you. The final moments at the end. Cute, cute, cute. Still going to have to put her under Emi. Emi > Hanako > Rin. Have to see how Shizume and Lilly play out, then I have to replay Emi and Rin to see if my opinions change. Apparently there's also a mod to properly date Misha.
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3 is generic tranny
4 is superior


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our local tranny expert


they're practically twins

some people have cocks on the brain


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dead site
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HDV is the best admin 4chon has ever had


Not a high bar, but still true.


oh shut the fuck up will you

STI blows HIV out of the fucking water


Ur mum blow mah dicc out of the fuckin wa'ah LOL



got eeemmm


so true

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