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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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You ever notice fashion trends always involve looking stupid on purpose? Man buns, ear gauges, ripped jeans, tattoos, ect. If you want to be cool just make yourself look as stupid as possible.
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my mom is like that. they still have a big plastic bag of condiment packets stuffed into a corner of the fridge at their house.


Same heh


she got an onlyfans? I'd love to tip her!!!!




What's the hip new thing to wear nowadays? I don't into current trends anymore since detatching from the masses


They went to a restaurant and her father asked if she would be pure until marriage and she said yes and cried.
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I miss when the internet looked like this. Now it looks and runs like shit.


Timecube heh


You mean, mental illness.


KJV is a terrible translation. I don't see why rednecks are so attached to it


pedophile thread


Would Thai-Style Boxing Be Allowed in a White Nationalist Society?
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Ehrm...that's not very nice


Little man is just having a little perpetual temper tantrum all over the place.


Well I hope he heckin' gets over it soon, my gosh! heh

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 No.21353[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This thread will be used to discuss food, cooking, and other related topics.

hdv please delete spam
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Checking if this is bumplocked





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Its total bullshit that society is burning to the fucking ground and people can get on here and make jokes and post like life is cool and normal HAHAHAHAH well no one's fucking laughing. There's no fucking jobs, there's no fucking money,
no trust
no safety
no love
no forgiveness
no hope
no community
no morality
no God
no thing
Technology fucking sucks and just makes things worse. The industrial revolution has destroyed day-to-day human life.

obliviousfags are worse than faggots, worse than trannies, worse than pedophiles, worse than libtards. Fuck you.
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i dont know man, new vegas felt like it had more dialogue in it but hardly anywhere to go, even the big ticket locations seemed lackluster, freeside was ok but the strip was bland and everywhere else seemed sparse






found this site that ranks websites terms of services



I read the full Samsung TOS etc stuff for my s23 ultra earlier this year. I think you get easier at reading that stuff with practice. I felt like I was signing my life away through the Activision (COD) stuff.

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Out of the different Final Fantasy 11 private servers, I like Valhalla the most.

Valhalla has TRUSTs, 90 level cap, XP gain rate same as retail. Movement speed is increased, all Home Point crystal warps and outpost warps are unlocked. They have some nice extra content like a unique gear augment system, a few custom dungeons, Dynamis D raids are unlocked. Rise of the Zilart, Treasures of AU, Wings of the Goddess expansions are all unlocked and working properly.

So anyway if you are tried of the slow grind to 75 on the other private servers like Horizon or Eden, then come check out Valhalla.

https://www.valhalla.group/home/doku.php?id=start(USER WAS BASED FOR THIS POST)
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avid's therapist has entered the chat


lots of fun stuff lately, players running some custom level 90 dungeons together, and putting custom enhancement enchants on their gear too, which really makes us overpowered. BLU and PLD are gods on this server!


i dont have a therapist


anyone tried it yet?


ive had a couple psychologists, they were pretty bad, they basically just told me to get out more and stuck me on meds that made me drool


I found red[x]'s jewtube channel! Let's all have a goon and give him a like and subberino!!!!
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Nothing right now. Regardless, while I am certain most major game companies support globohomo, I don't think it's usually as bad as explicitly importing literal AIDs-niggers. Do gaymers have any boundaries or what?


my bad, i didnt even open the pic, thought it was some homosex acceptance garbage

>importing aids carriers

>from 3rd world countries
>countries that are less intelligent and more uncaring about everything

ok, what in the moloch is going on here


stfu he sounds cool and hot


lol wat. I don't and never had a yt.


yea... I'm gonna need to see timestamped bellend to corroborate this

 No.70036[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


Never watched this, just downloaded it last night and watched the first ep, after I watched Fishtank, it was actually pretty funny, damn why didn't I watch it earlier
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kinda like your lineage


post lineage


This actually made me laugh quite a bit.




The only reason nick isn't a faggot is because he isn't "acting" or playing some kind of role hes just being himself. When he talks about cars and houses thats just who is he. His entire rug joke was because he sold rugs for instance. I would say he is the only authentic one out of the group. Sam is basically trying to pull a tim heidecker or whatever to never break character then act the way people who follow him want him to act with tim its leftist shit but with Sam its rw fuckholes like fuentes. It's legitimately unfunny.


>sir the taco is out the bell
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ketchup = HDV
mustard = Phanny
hot dog = avid


got tripped up by ai music playing automatically in recommendations


>i can hear the vanishing gradient




π΅π‘œπ‘Ÿπ‘› π‘‘π‘œ 𝑑𝑖𝑒.
π•Ύπ–π–Žπ–‡π–Žπ–‰π–Ž π•Ώπ–”π–Žπ–‘π–Šπ–™
(π‘»π’‚π’šπ’π’π’“β€™π’” π‘½π’†π’“π’”π’Šπ’π’)


Is there even one 4chan alternative with SFW boards for off topic conversation that don't allow NSFW shit?
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trips confirm avid loves cock


no i dont


get quads to prove it


i think im going to stop responding to you now


I accept your admission of gay defeat


Whats the skinny of KC being down today?
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That website had a surprising amount of brazilian monkeys on it last I was there.


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NOOOOOOOOOOO how will I learn about the industrial output of the Ottoman Empire in 1896 now?!?!! NOOOOOOO


Roy is better than you




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is not

cringe is good, idiot..

 No.56160[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

On May 17th, much-beloved 4chon alum Giraf had passed away after having suffered a stroke on the 8th the week prior. He was 29.

I believe he'd spent more of his recent years on Kohlchan and the 4chon Telegram group-but those who'd known him know well what a good fella he was-far better than most-and gone far too soon.

The 4chon Telegram group chat (which he'd founded along with Dynd and some others) will be streaming a film in his honor at an as-of-yet undetermined date and time in the near future.

For further details, please see the venerable 4chon Steam group page.
126 posts and 36 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


im shit with names, which nigga was giraf? was he in the tinychat?


I think he was just in /r9k/, didn't (openly) use /new/, the irc or tinychat as far as I recall


Yes. He was just giraf


shut up newfag


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>beady eyes with mongrel coloring
>massive semite nose
>rat mouth
>hands clasped together
This is the most Jewish face I've ever seen
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S H A N E????


lol at kike thread


holy shit what an ugly kike


I used to think that soy boys, simps etc are the most embarrassing thing ever. I was wrong: being an internet janny for free is even more embarrassing.
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xhe licketh thine neger erection?


>>82599 (checked)
avid onna left
phantasm onna right




me on the left


nobody cares


We should start a gofundme to buy Avid a really beefy PC so he can finally finish his house and become the next big minecraft YouTuber!!!
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when I die expect to find him laughing


post bellend resting atop some bands





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