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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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why are they laughing at me
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your penis is too big


Men hate when that happens.


you have zero manners


it;s true see >>83903


I have just found out that there are "seven" colors. Somehow, for who knows what reason, indigo is now a color. Not a shade, but a color. Fucking what the fuck is this. Red, yellow, and blue are primary colors and orange, green, and purple are secondary, this is not even debatable, so WHO IN THE HELL came up with indigo as any part of that. You look at indigo and you tell me it's not a shade of purple, I dare you, there's no way you can without being a god DAMN liar. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, you don't see crimson and say "hmmm, this sure is different from red". The Jews have to be behind this. Who else would it be. Indigo. INDIGO. This is like teaching kids that Pluto isn't a planet anymore, it's all part of this common core muh gender 1984 reality-reshaping newspeak antichrist nightmare atrocity zeitgeist. Reject indigo. Indigo is the enemy. Accepting indigo is accepting Bezos to come fuck your free range chickens at night. Unacceptable.
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He lived to be 84, how bad could it be?


Maybe the daoists were onto something. Notice that LIBRULS banned it in schools.


Indigo is blue


Indigo is a LIE


INDIGLO is baste

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is this real?
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shutup you mouldy pissflap


nigger bastard fight me IRL or fucking beta

don't dress up as police officers and smile at me either, money slaves, pseudo humans


took long enough to show up, maybe you needed to borrow some clothing and a car first, you also made sure that the time you were showing up was early enough that you wouldn't have been spotted

Real ones would just fucking show up tell me to fuck off and leave, not stand there with a smug look of never having experienced strife at all LOL


it is real when everyone is dancing on little golden goddess day (screening)


I piss on all of your graves


What is YOUR middle-age mental-breakdown tranny name?
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Avid Merrion?


>a.k.a. Naddie




fantastic fucking post



is smoking still cool?
do any of you guys smoke?
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I'd rather contain some big fat cocks


this kid makes it look cool.


You see, White people instinctually feel pity for self-loathing retards. If OP wants to die so badly, he needs to be more hateful or hang out with niggers.


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im so shy ><


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Hey 4chon. It's me the official vag00 and I made this video for you all to enjoy.

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 No.55114[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This is the real comfy vidya thread


Low bit
High bit

Soundtracks welcome
see: https://youtu.be/kOd5_j0OTQo

wrap up and post some nostalgia based or comfy based video game materia ITT
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This nigga was running thru the woods in his undies


Emma best girl





milf thread, because theyre just better
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you hate to see it
poor one out for grandma




Is that your mum being proud of her gay son?



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this is extremely unfair
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I'd like to grow some very large cucumbers to use as anal dilators


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what a anals di#lers?



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>I don't know why your generation can't find and keep a gf
<Ruined an entire generation of women by raising them to be whores and not combating 'empowerment culture at all'; such bad parents they traumatise young girls into casual sex and ridiculous standards for serial monogamy
>You're still unemployed? Why didn't you give the boss a firm handshake?
<Facilitated a corporate culture so harrowing that an algorithm will just chuck out your resume without anyone in HR actually reading it with HR people usually from the mentally ill generation of women they've raised
>I went to the [insert boomer event; including gorging yourself at a restaurant and terrorising young minimum wage, going to a pointless expensive event] and there were too many [increasing racial minority]
<Literally allowed and voted for diversity in immigration and affirmative action policies in the late 60s, and refuses to vote for policies that would mean they don't exploit non-white people as serfs to feed them and wipe their arse for next to nothing because they can't change their lifestyle
>Kids these days, I did it rough too when I was buying a home
<Is almost literally the only demographic buying homes now, will be furious at rent freezes because they can't pay off their own negatively geared investment properties, bought a home for the same price of a mid range non-luxury new car today, continues to horde wealth and refuses to let the industry collapse. So much have they destroyed the real estate industry and enabled banks and bank bailouts that an algorithm will just reject your loan application outright (same as most applications tbh, including uni) and ruin your life without even meeting you. This actually applies to most debt they've accrued, including the auto industry; they're the only ones even buying new cars.
>I've had to wait too long at the hospital, the medical system in [insert Western country] sucks!
<Is such a hedonistic glutton that their poor general health is marred by completely preventable diseases like hypertension, obesity, Type II Diabetes, their inability to take care of themselves will ensure an already straining industry collapses
>When I was your age, university was free! Those were the good old daysPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>wojak artist



Can confirm that is all true including the oddly specific observation of the boomer man being completely dominated by the boomer wife.


Petty criminals are always ugly it seems

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this is me
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goblinsaga sexual harassment incident (again)




So i lost 27kg last time i checked, that was a few months ago, my underwear is very loose now but my diabetes sugar level is very high so I must figure out a new diet to go onto.
I don't want to give up sugar completely so im just going to avoid highly processed food and make all my food from fresh ingredients. Thank God for youtube tutorials.
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Can't wait for the day someone opens a keto restaurant or takeaway place.


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>keto takeaway place
That will defeat the whole purpose cuz it will be industrialised slop disguising itself as natural, stop relying on everything to be served to you


i don't fucking care about carb diet shit, im just trying to eat natural and create my own flour for bread. i can eat loads of potatoes without it effecting my sugar as long as my diet is natural


Yeah I was a bit caffeinated when I made that comment. It's true the processing, adding of preservatives etc wrecks food, and in fact also makes it taste like garbage. Might be repeating myself honestly but I still get surprised at the difference between store-bought sauces, dips, condiments etc, vs home-made or restaurant stuff (but I don't go to sit-down restaurants often). But some store bought stuff is okay, like pesto is nice. Had baked salmon with pesto it was excellent.


are chickpea flour safe?


Chon zombies hanging in there?
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>my cat's boo-boo smells like shea butter


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natalist sisters... we got too cocky


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zombies are sexy

 No.80596[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


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Isekai was a mistake. Never let kids near it.


Christianity is an isekai


This is why kikes want to slander salt, probably.



Those are both cool names


Why does everything have to be rebooted into an amorphous, formless, raceless, androgynous blob?
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Fimally a show with badass masculine characters for us male gym sweaty crotch sniffing sneaker pissing enthusiasts


Shut the hell up dogcunt





Me on the left!!!!

 No.58490[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Decided to remake 4chon.me/new on a h'whim ama
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masonic wizard chris


Disturbing how much he resembles Ben Franklin now.


He's not a wizard. He lost his v-card to a prostitute.




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