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Who remembers this OG chudcel lol?
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Anyone have the old memes of Rohan the cotton candy man?



Nice. Very classic.



I hate pajeets so much it's unreal, bros


israeli SPERM extraction 🥵
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Why is dog so fat and ugly? She's more like a PITT BULL.




0r mah B0n3r


no she is bootyful


Sow bitch


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Jessie "the terror from Tel Aviv" Yaniv putting you in a cock cage and torturing your little nuts while lecturing you about the Israel-Palestine conflict

Jessia Yaniv sitting on your face because you educated people about the USS Liberty online

Jessica Yaniv holding you down by the wrists, pinning you to the bed as "she" readies to unleash the pulsating bussy @ you (POV: you didn't support Israel online)
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read them Chud, they R funi make u kek long time ;)


heh, well, if you put it that way


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have yourself a hearty kek or two my friend




funny shiptoast books! unhinged schizo funnies! rants! raves! francis c dec impressions! read now! buy one if u feel froggy! ribbit ribbit! ribbit!


Dogstralia has beaten Phantasm to the punch on his dream of creating a political commentary channel. Soon she'll be a rich breadtuber.
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I agree except there's nothing good about sugar, it's non-essential and seems to only cause harm. It's better to be overweight from overeating fatty & proteiny foods than complex carbs and/or sugary foods since at least the former meets your nutritional needs (assuming both diets have veggies & fruits as well) and has a lower risk developing diabetes.


>intuitive eating

Yes I eat fast food sometimes too. Taco Bell, KFC (wings), food court stuff (curry, kebabs, honey chicken)


how is fatNELstralia still alive?


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Procrastination doesn't pay.

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Any of you guys remember Mausland? Where my Castle Cat niggas at?
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I don't know this guy or his work even a little but wtf. Another 40-something year old NG guy died. "Heart Attack".


Flash (.swf) would've been a much better format for games and animations if Adobe added support for importing WebP textures. JPEG lacks transparency support and PNG lacks lossy compression. So when transparency is needed (e.g. 2D character textures) the devs have no choice but to use PNGs which bloats up the filesize exponentially.


webp format makes me fucking sick


This tbh fam



I like how they're trying to make it like you're some sort of freaky t*rrorist extremist for not having a TV but I literally would be like this in Britain cos I don't watch free to air and would just use my TV for video games and streaming from my computer...
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Do you need a loicense if you just use YT? Seems not from what I read


they really need to adjust acceleration curves and speeds of the high speed rail and also the elevators for us gay guys, making them more accessible, sometimes our assholes would just fall out our start or start leaking on their out there in the public places, so you know how it is


Leave Retard Flag Guy Alone...



i think the motor-vehicle manufacturers could also come forward, knowing that on certain resonant frequencies of the car engines running, us gay homosexuals start shitting uncontrollably


Fattie Nolegs bought 420chan from Kirt for $4200
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$4200, yknow, like 420 the pothead meme



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fuck fag20chan and the people that use it


Uhm...based department? I've got a post I'd like you to see!


avid told me that 420chan is a great place to find nigger erections to lick but I don't go there because I'm not gay

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it's important in soyciety that you have an iphone apple device.
it's not about brand loyalty consooomer or being a wigger or some software funcitonality per se.
it's more of a signal to other people that you have bare minimum amount of shit together.
that you do not have to look for cheapies.
that your time on this earth to you is more valuable than getting a bargain on a phone or being autistic about it.
so that it doesn't matter to you that it costs 800 or 1500 insignificant worldbankcurrencyunits and not 200, the worth is not in the money.
which even on subliminal level is important in manner of how others are going to treat you in future.
they (your potential employer, colleagues, 'acquaintances', the 'cool' media company 'friends' w/ connections) need to see
you putting down a tim apple device in the pocket when they start talking to you.
it is like genetics-iq test 'is this tard or his family [if ur an unemployed student] able to secure a few thousand currencyunits per month or we have a desperate bottomfeeder shelf-stocking degenerate here who probably wouldn't even know what Tame Impala is'.
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(immediately) telling that you are at least one caste above shelve stocker or tradie wagie is an important filter.


Nah, anyone who needs to put this much thought and energy into influencing their perception is compensating. If it is not natural for you to come across as high class then u are just faking and will look dumb. Actually high class ppl do not care about Apple bs, you are aspiring to follow the trends of bourgeois, which is really not at all better than being a poorfag. It's like how poors think that the ultimate status symbol is graceless ugly stuff like lambourginis or wristwatches . Nouveau riche is so ugly and it is better to just be yourself

being middle class is really not such a boon at this point when all the young ppl from those backgrounds are completely insane and destroying themselves even more than poors


This is true.

The richest people I ever met were all very down to earth unassuming people to look at. They have a certain air about them that immediately gives away thier status though. Just the way they hold themselves I guess.


dumbest shit ive read in a while
were you high when you wrote this op?


he's a mentally disabled virgin

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the bort it is dead

discuss dead borts
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I believe the site had been taken offline.


>That's like a summon character in Final Fantasy right?
Yeah, Enkidu is his dog.


get your butts to sakura-con!


make retards go places in sakura-con


see ya there, fellow retard!

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>Woodard traces the racial assumptions, political aspirations, gender codes, and philosophical frameworks that dictated both European and white American arousal towards Black males and hunger for Black male flesh.

Would eating black people be accepted in a wn society?
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I desire black male flesh composting beneath the earth. Mass graves in infinite directions. Decaying flesh enriching the soil. Sickly sweet blood oranges ripening early from nutrient dense chasms of coonery




Not to be rude, but maybe he got aids


So this guy was fucking/eating nigger bucks?


Seems that way, not sure where he'd get this conjectural nonsense from anyway. What a homo. LMAO heh

 No.58340[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Two predators in the last 12 hours
A cat, last night, in the heart of my land hunting
A fox, this morning, chasing a mother hen and her babies
Hen attacked the fox as the babies ran away
All alive and well
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move to the philippines


I only really see Whites as human. I don't really mean to discriminate so harshly, I can't help it. Some skinny Asian girls can be attractive but it feels like mostly just a fetish to me because its such a power move to flex my Whiteness on them. But I haven't been mean enough or motivated enough to try, I don't think I've approached a single nonWhite yet.


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This guy gets it


It's surprising you see whites as human after so many lined up for sterilization and death. Majority of whites are vaxxmaxx nigger-cattle

At this point I would breed any female, regardless of race, if she could prove to me that she has a soul

Flesh is cheap. Souls are rare


>It's surprising you see whites as human after so many lined up for sterilization and death. Majority of whites are vaxxmaxx nigger-cattle

Yes good point/s


This guy is doing somewhat similar approaches to me and has a similar build and looks status. The difference would be he speaks rather quick (British thing?) and goes for a number very quickly. Speaks very quickly actually I speak WAY slower lmao. Speaking quickly is for chumps imo, I naturally speak slowly unless I get excited about something.

Otherwise he's doing a lot of the Krauser "assumption stack" thing (wonder if he read him?) which works really well. He makes assumptions about the women based on their style, mood, nationality etc etc (though I avoid nationality to begin with because its quite touchy in Australia).

Though I have barely done any actual street stops btw, I feel like a chump when running up to women, though I'll do it eventually cos its needs to be done to do enough approaches.
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Good question. Let's see: I like posting on dead image boards, I like learning stuff, and I like the outdoors(which I haven't had time for in a long while). I still read manga, and I've been reading raws since 2017. Master duel and elden ring are pretty much the only games I've played in the last 2 or so years. I feel that I'm interested in a lot of things, but I have a narrow, focused interest when it comes to most any subject. What about you, are you a broad-boy or a narrow-nigger?


I have one bastard child. With my luck Mr.God will force me to reincarnate down that lineage


4chon: normie central


You think so? It seems to attract a fair amount of crazy people.


If you hadn't noticed the normies are crazy now. You see weirder people on facebook than on 4chon.

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A lot of people who have cancer feel too sick to eat and it doesn't seem to work out for them. Fasting is good for you, but it does not miraculously cure everything.


Show them the video of the old Tippens nigga posted ITT. It doesn't seem appropriate, no, but their life is at stake and I'm sure they'd be willing to try anything. Also apricot seeds; tell them not to eschew whatever conventional treatments there may be because that's retarded


Read between the lines in this article instead of reading (((their))) headline for example:


As long as you can promote this shit with the proper evidence (anecdotal/circumstantial it may be) without coming across as a frothing at the mouth lunatic you genuinely could help give them a better chance at survival




Shes doing chemo. Shes overweight but not obese from what I remember, about 45-50.


Animals are all based retards
They're based because they don't know they're based
Therefore they're based

Plato was totally, absolutely correct about the government. I truly hope we get a rogue AI turned philosopher-king in the next 100 years. This AI can be our Kalki and end the Kali Yuga finally

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this line of thinking leads people to declare somalis superior to the japanese because the former is much less likely to need glasses

you are gay


Because animals, like children, are complete of themselves and are not endlessly fractured by lies as ppl are



I want the girl in op to ride my penis and berate me.



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