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The bugs meme is a clever psyop because it demoralizes Westerners by claiming we'll be eating bugs, which is really an Asian practice mostly, which we see as gross, and is probably not going to take off, whilst the food we're already eating is probably much worse - grains, sugars, other carbs, artificial sugars and most of the plant oils are quite bad.
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You VILL eat ze (sea) bugs and you VILL like it.


Nigger, No.


From watching Western food tourism vlogging, terrestrial arthropods seem to taste completely different from shellfish, even when you're just eating soft stuff like larvae. I wouldn't mind trying snail, though.


I wouldn't trust the tastes of a white person. They think everything tastes like chicken.


goyfeed should be renamed to soyslop

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Here I am looking for a new job and once more wondering how it is some places get away with making people work for twelve hours shifts. I honestly don't understand how that's legal or how anybody lowers themselves to being abused like that.
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It's a thanksgiving miracle. Red Mage coming at us straight from the soup kitchen.


Forced anon forever? Well fuck me brb gonna go hang myself.



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If you physically mutilate someone because they said mean words to you, you don't have the moral high ground.
You're at least just as bad as they are, but honestly are worse, in my opinion.
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It would help prevent our slide into idiocracy.


Hindsight 2020: your brand is getting old and out of fashion.




You can dance if you want to.


rare patrician post from Phantasm... I can see why people think he might be an HDV-sock

bunch of fucken nigggots agreeing with some zio-butcher's fap fiction

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Is it true that HDV is actually phantasm?
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HDV is pretty patrician so I doubt it

OP is a nigggot


HDV is a fictional character.


Buy current 4chon website. Destroy it. Buy new 4chon website that's created. Destroy it.

Rinse and repeat.

Only way to kill the chon.


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women naturally excel at mindless procedural and maintentance tasks done over and over and over again in repetition, beyond the point where men would break. basically the robot slave labour.
the technological imperative in "post-industrial" consoomer soyciety is to cost-optimize and automate humans out of mindless procedural and maintenance tasks done over and over and over again in repetition. it is probably also a very masculine imperative, because guys lack patience for the robot slave labor.
the technological imperative in "post-industrial" consoomer soyciety is to cost-optimize and automate women out of way of economic labor that they naturally excel at.
the technological imperative in "post-industrial" consoomer soyciety is alien and opposite to what women naturally excel at.
contemporary feminist art expresses growing resentment towards femininity and procreation (proclaiming it 'objectification' etc.), basically those things that stem out of nature itself, because those things make women weak in face of the technological imperative requirements in "post-industrial" consoomer soyciety of making trinkets and widgets and materials and food items on industrial scale and cost-optimizing and automating humans out of any of that for automated robot assembly lines in dark factories. contemporary feminist art expresses growing resentment towards what is set and seen as a weakness on genetic level against robots, cad and cnc machines i guess. not saying anything new, but nature gave them the shorter stick against the technological imperative in consumer soyciety of making funkobops and lego star wars. there is absolutely nothing that even the geneticist soyentists can do about it so the seething won't stop, the seething against that nature itself, but blaming the guys for it. 97% of linux desktop users are men according to poll on reddit or something and some of them even may program cad software.
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Transhumanism is gayer than transsexuals. It is known.


Your theory doesn't matter because most companies and governments have internal quotas and/or horny male managers requiring them to hire women.


Thought you were gonna talk about women in uni by your opening line. A place has been created for them there because they are good at mimicking ideas and marking criteria that caters to that like posting 1 vaguely interesting comment on the student discussion board (online) every week. Or lots of miniessays, instead of something more weighty, substantial and original.


They're pretty good at memorizing and repeating too, so they're a good fit for modern schools. Women consistently score higher than men in school grading and it's because of that.


It seems to be baked into human nature that there's less variance in female aptitude, where as more men tend to be either significantly better or significantly worse at any given subject. This is why I like to remind people who bring up "smart women" that if you believe the women in your demographic are more intelligent than you are, then that probably just means you're stupid in general or over-estimating them. Yeah, a female professor might be smarter than you, but she's not smarter than her male peers. It's not even a realistic thing to believe. Look at the drop-off at 120. Anecdotally this seems to apply to just about everything. Men are more "specialized", women are "generalists" for some reason.

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What're your big plans for the year ahead, fellas?
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▲ ▲


Going to masturbate RIGHT NOW.


I don't think in terms of resolutions, thats pretty normie. Goals mostly carry on from this year - read and write more.


fly to ingerland and penetrate all of avid's orifices



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 No.55509[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Got a cheap shortwave radio and all I've found so far is christcuckery, conspiracy shows, and stuff in Spanish.
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Companion animals as surrogate children is a whiteoid thing, and it neuters the primal drive to reproduce. Porn replaces lust and pets replace family. Together they complete the perfect circle of the ideal shabbos goy. Yin and yang


White people have lived among animals for tens of thousands of years at least. Only niggers are so mentally stunted as to be incapable of bonding with another species.

Peddle your poison elsewhere KIKE!


tbh a woman I know who's maybe just a few years older than me (who sold us the dog) has a lot of dogs of her own as well as three biological children from the same father who's still present. Very based and tradpilled family. I know where you're coming from-for real-but Faillenials using animals to cope for their globalist anti-natalism subconscious programming isn't the animals' fault imho tbh, it's still the big nosed globalists to blame in the end heh


Niggers mad white women would rather fuck dogs than them lmao


I didn't know what that would mean. is there a problem officer?

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I'm starting to think that most of the Christians on /pol/ are glowniggers

Anytime someone tries coming up with a solution to a problem the thread is flooded with dozens of Christians who immediately turn everything into a Biblical parable, and then they proselytize the Christian solution, which is to do nothing and wait on Jesus to return

Christians = glowniggers, bots and golems
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dark gamer on one side (side B)


Comfy. He doesn't even let strangers on the internet see his wife's face


With my first studio apartment, the walls looked exactly like that - the paint peeling off (the drywall?). And I had a cord running up and horizontally across the wall just like that too


Are you european? You see a lot of that sort of thing in europe I've noticed.




>tfw too impoverished to buy marijuana products from the local dealer/dispensary
>tfw reagan-era conservative boomer "drugs are bad, mmm'kay" parents won't let me grow it in our huge yard even though it would be the perfect environment for it and could literally make millions selling it legally in our state

which circle of hell is this
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start an onlyfans to pay for the drugs


I've been curious about how much it costs to make drugs, not exactly because I want to do it but because it's interesting and it seems to be hard to find the info. Rambo 4 is really good btw, kino movie if you haven't seen it.

Was thinking about how much druglords would make in places outside the West, how they make it, their operations and so on. I don't really see why Ketamine is expensive at all. I'm guessing the price of production vs sell price is like 10x or more.


Depends on the drug. You also have to think about cost of equipment and skills. Some drugs require an education.

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why don't smookers just save everyone time and blow their brains out?
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yes, we'll sit by a nice roaring fire while you and vag takes turns slobbin mah knob



Leave King Terry alone!


c'mon man!

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Demented, cold-as-ice stone cold BITCH queen of spades BERATING me, DEMANDING I punch my shriveled lil balls as hard as I can (no muscle mass) (weak and wimpy) as her and Dontarious emit peels of RAPTUROUS laughter at my lowly plight... frantically tugging and pawing at my diseased pecker as Blacked Mommy pontificates on Darwinian evolution and its staid, well-reasoned approach to why I'm a beta male cuck STRAINING against my AliBaba-bought, pink plastic chastity cage; dying a little inside in faggish ecstasy, awaiting my God Dontavious' newest edict... newest DEMAND of my lowly flesh
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See? This is it right here, what Daryl and his "daughter" does to them.


Daryl's with my daughter? BOIOIOIOIOIOING *erection grows*


Santee Claus shot down by NORAD! Yes! Yesssssss! YESSSSSSSSSSSS! One world government WE SHALL HAVE IT!! Kill even the best of the goyim my Mason brother YESSSSSSSSSS YESSSSSS make the goyim pay homage to Satan with their iPhone 10's or whatever they own!!!!! For we shall implant the chip in them all and make Satan come to life THROUGH THEM yesssssss yesssssssssssssss bioengineering the new flesh

t. Albert Pike



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i think i might finally be ready to kill myself. i don't even feel emotional about it. life just feels boring and empty and this point. like skyrim after you reach level 50 or so. there is just no point in continuing. i don't even worry about my family being sad either. my parents are old any way and i've lost touch with every one else. i don't have many possessions either, so there wouldn't be a lot left to clean up. seems like the right time.
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help him cum

help us all cum




use that jedi mind trick to jerk my thick and throbbing dick


I like to imagine you have a giant futa cock. We should rub our penii together (thats plural for penises).


I thought this board was against pedophilia nowadays, but apparently it isn't. VPN ban was just some glownigger shit. Now the glowniggers openly tread a fine line and promote pedophilia up to the point before crossing into illegal territory. You retards all have brain damage and need to die one way or another. Let the invasive thoughts overcome you and end it. The world will be a better place if you do.


Is there a part of the human body that is not sexually dimorphic? Or in other words, I find every part of the female body to be sexy. Lately I've been noticing woman's hands and the area I highlighted in the last pic. Skinny limbs and elbows, maybe knees are very hot. I completely don't care for feet though. Maybe its because I don't get to see them most of the time.
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How strict? Because it'd be a total of zero since down at the cellular and chromosomal level they're different. So they'll never actually be the same unless we start reproducing asexually or something. They can never not be dimorphic as long as we continue to have two distinct sexes.


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Don't you just love when you realize a woman doesn't have balls


dwarf and dogi should not be allowed to procreate


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a medical reference

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