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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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As an obese abbo you should be huffing petrol

Otherwise you are a fraud

You all ready are a fake boi, why not be a real abbo you sow bitch
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It looks like a dude, maybe it's right


I wouldn't assume your gender, maybe a little reconstructive surgery


That's a male tranny pretending to be a woman while saying they are an actual woman-they will never be a real woman. They are trying to do this to try and cover up the fact that they are a biological male by saying that they are an actual female that is larping or trying to be a male. It's supposed to be some sort of mind fuck reverse psychology trick to coverup the fact that they've a biological male and it's not working.


I see. There's a fly in your cream-of-mushroom soup. And there's shit caked on your feet, as you've printed in tracks across all the way from the door.


dogisaga should kill themselves because they are fat and ugly

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im checking out chan websites and i found this one, it seems pretty cool but idk how to use it. do i just use it like 4chan??
seriously fucking help me
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no I haven't


No need to be humble. We know you've sucked em all!


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>idk how to use it
/new/ is /new/ and /lounge/ is secretly /r9k/. There is no /v/. Don't ever ask for /v/. All the cool people post in /meta/


I literally am not gay though, why try to force this meme?


there is no /meta/ unfortunately

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im actually so tired of trying to date atp but i just want someone who loves me. ironic that im asking an imageboard how to get a bf but its the only option i have left. give me any advice u might have, anything helps.
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I don't even know what this shit means but other people are calling you a tranny and that's pretty based if I do say so myself heh


Post ur dick


linkedin dot com is full of IT guys with stable, easy going careers and lotsa mone (relative to the wast majority of wagies) but not a lot of charisma and confidence irl so they'll settle maybe


every site is a dating site if you're indian enough


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yoooouuuuuuuuu weirdo



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sex based excursions are not talents nor achievements, sexuality is the basest of human emotions, its at the core of a humans physiognomy, literally everyone has urges, fisting your shit pipe and gaping your arse or cunt is a giant attention seeking act and a kind of degenerate grandstand I'm just simply disgusted by, until we are able to transfer feelings through a screen I will continue to not register horny people doing stupid horny shit in my mind at all


into recycle bin ready for admin to right click empty


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We go to equestria.

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I'm bored. Amuse me.
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what does NEL mean?


what is fart


>he doesn't know


Get the h*ck out newfag

Something that only hot girls do


I'm not a newfag I've been here all summer

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he was 100% a homosexual

just listen to his gay shitty diary ramblings

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the fuck are you talking about?


who? take your meds


He's cute but he fell for the brain poison of the foid.


nah, he was an ugly cunt


he would have been very popular with gay/bi men if he had trapped out, he could have skipped the HRT with those lips

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Anyone else here lust after mixed race women? I personally love mystery meat.
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Believe it or not, 80 IQ sandshitters aren't all hecking based noble celibates who only have sex for prcreation and righteous corrective rape.
Your expectations are far too high, or you're too fed up on memes.
W*men are whores that trade in tits, shitholes and flaps, no matter the race or the place. Do not give them the benefit of a doubt


I was actually shocked because this is the first instance I've seen of a Muslim woman wearing a hijab AND a sheer top, it has nothing to do with memes or whatever else your retard brain typed to me


Yes it does


I think next time she should wear blackface and claim that she's being a nigger to represent all diversity.


how exactly?

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this is me
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goblinsaga sexual harassment incident (again)



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how do i know which pants to wear
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dig these oni asphalt raws but they're ambitious pricey


all the german loose fit speed dealer normcore bagginess one could ever want



also when you click on an item it links you to a completely different item



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U will neva b Henry Cavill steppin outta da limo with the litghts blazin' papparazzi snappin' bass pumpin', with a huge lantern jaw and wide proud lil' cheeky smile

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Why are Americans so loud
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you're a dipshit


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youve clearly never met a sicilian


you're right I haven't

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dogisaga's tits vs. stee's dick
which is more pathetic?
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women really cant meme. even their rendition of the yes chad thing is noticeably shittier.


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(you) pic related


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You're the cool wine aunt who smells of cat piss and tries to be hip with the nieces and nephews because it helps you stave off the existential dread caused by your shriveled ovaries.

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2500 years ago Hanno the navigator, a major naval figure from Carthage, set sail on one of the great voyages of discovery. He sailed from the Mediterranean out of straights of Gibraltar to explore the coast of Africa with a fleet of 60 ships, he worked his way down the coast past Mauritania to subsaharan Africa where he found that the people all had "burt skin" which is to say they were negroes. After meeting people like this for a while every time his ships landed he eventually came to an island off the coast of what is now Cameroon that was filled with burt skin people who were very hairy and extremely unruly. He named this tribe "Gorillas".
Because Hanno was not influenced by our modern ideas of species (The idea that humanity is a single species was declared by the UN in November of 1945, the idea has no basis in science or in reality, but all UN member nations are required to abide by it nonetheless.) he had to call things as he saw them and he was unable to differentiate between gorillas and African negroes other than that the gorillas were hairier.
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There's nothing you can do about that. You're just sitting on the internet whining about it and using it as a cope for why you can't succeed in life. You might as well complain about the weather sucking as complaining about niggers in Africa multiplying.


No complains have been made, and no matter of my personal life has been discussed. You're just sitting on the internet whining about how people can say mean things about niggers using it as a cope for why you can't succeed in life. You might as well complain about the weather sucking as complaining about comments on an imageboard.


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>Ladiez n Gentlemen, your Honor
>Mup da doo didda Equality
>Po mo gub bidda be dat Hood
>Tum America muhfugen K K K
>Bix nood cof bin Martin Luther King
>Dub ho muhfugga EQUITY
>And Where's the love yo..? [I don't know]
>Your Honor, I rest my case.

(everybody applauds)

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Opinions on the current status of AVGN's hairline?
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Why do (you) have the hitler youth hair cut and say everyone has it?


you've never punched anyone, queermo



so drop to your knees and suck this dick


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can we have an /x/ thread?
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you can buy this on ebay for less than $50


shut up nigger


suck my fat sweaty balls, kike


Doing the lords work.


100% Anglo, take your meds skitzo

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I just wanted to say that I'm glad technoblade is dead. Because I hate rich and successful people. That is all.
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you have to at least be a little discriminatory


literally who





nope, death is based

pls die so I can cum on your tombstones

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