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can we have an /x/ thread?
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Doing the lords work.


100% Anglo, take your meds skitzo


not really /x/ but weird nonetheless


oh fuggg.... that jordan guy is sailormoonred, I remember him from 789chan!



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Lmao. Never change avid.


its not me newfag


No, it's avid, our local lgbt representative and big willie enthusiast.


its literally not me though, you people can believe this or not though i really dont care


I can't be anything but a cockslut! come round for a gobber sometime, stud!

it simply isn't possible to imitate an anonymous poster, darling....

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Friendly reminder that pork is fed with literal garbage. It's the lowest form of goyslop, fit only for broken, toxic goyim

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Ah we have a brownpill enjoyer.


Not a realistic option right now and they're still poisoning the food supply for everyone. It stands to reason that their own food is safe


Do they actually eat kosher though? I thought it was just a grift for the most part. There's also kinds of garbage that's certified kosher.


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>Do they actually eat kosher though? I thought it was just a grift for the most part
Only particularly devout ones do. I would guess that 80% of them couldn't care less

>There's also kinds of garbage that's certified kosher

Correct. Plenty of ironically kosher goyslop out there. I tell my wife to shop as though she was a snobby and devout orthodox jew. Only kosher, no bioengineered ingredients. The less ingredients on the list, the better

I was a huge health nut for many years so I'm already used to heavily scrutinizing everything I eat

I will not eat the poison inshallah


tard didnt have access to real pork


I for one welcome our new neo-Dinosaurs.
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phantasm is done sucking jew cock and will now suck dinosaur cock


Why would it be? You gotta link the article pham.


>One thing is certain from the study’s models: Pangea Ultima is going to be very, very unpleasant for mammals. Most of the landmass will be far from an ocean, and the arid expanses in the supercontinent’s interior will be between 50°C and 65°C during an average summer—too hot even for most plants to grow


So this is new Australia. Hotter than a cup of piss.


I, for one, welcome our new dead thread


This is not a troll post. I am discussing cooking and a chef. I genuinely think Nigel Ng is a shit chef and racist. All boards too, lmao. Not just /ck/

Jannies are fucking ridiculous.
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>Got warned on /vr/ for asking what Eric Harris and Dylan Kleibold would think of Doom's 30th anniversary
You know, the two most notorious people that made Doom go from a ubiquitous video game to a household name?

What dumb cunt purple name discord troons and/or zoomers are modding or janning 4chan these fucking days Jesus fucking Christ


You did absolutely nothing wrong. Mods drunk on power, many such cases.


just realized this fag is like a talentless ripoff of yan can cook.


>What dumb cunt purple name discord troons and/or zoomers are modding or janning 4chan these fucking days Jesus fucking Christ
Think about it. Who else would want to (for free) moderate 4chan? It's not a smaller altchan, but the largest imageboard. I'm sure some are okay, but most of the people attracted to that position want it so they can lord it over others. There's a janny on /tg/ who babysits the chess general thread and makes it his own fiefdom. And I'm sure that happens in a lot of places. The only saving grace is how easy it is to bypass bans. So even when the mods are fags it's no more than a minute of inconvenience.


Yeah I'm thinking they were based.


tfw now this one looks so cool
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How was your coffee prepared? This morning I tried out 14g dark roast plus 14g decaf, ground in my Baratza Encore on setting 12. I always do the inverse brew in my aeropress, 85C water temp, fill up almost to the brim and stirred the brewing chamber with my temp sensor. Stopped the brew at 75C slurry temp, stirred a bit and put on the cap with the soaked filter and pressed into a preheated cup ( bit of lactose free milk and two sugar cubes nuked in microwave for 15 seconds while the brew was going ). Intense coffee flavor but tasted slightly over extracted even with milk, so will adjust grinder setting by one tick tomorrow while keeping everything else as is). I wish I had an autistic gf who likes to experiment with coffee brewing methods with me or at least enjoys doing blind taste tests with me for fun and to develop our taste for good coffee together. Ah well, it was not perfect but the taste blows away the coffee out of the coffee machine at work, it's not even funny. And the Aeropress is cheap and easy to clean so I decided to not get an manual espresso machine like the Flair85 that I wanted to get but it's too impractical for everyday use and it's a bit expensive for what you get. I should have bought smaller bags of beans because it'll take me a while to go through 1kg of beans and I'm curious about other brands of beans but I guess this leaves me a lot to look forward to. We have a specialty roaster in the town where I live and I'll splurge a bit on my 40th birthday to get a bunch of lightly roasted speciality beans. I can't wait to find my favorite type of bean. :) I know, I shouldn't use milk and sugar but the dark roast is a bit much without the mellowing effect of fat from the milk.


muh word salad


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.



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cool car webm

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Anyone hungry for moar?
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I farted



haha lol poop shit farts


haha fart

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Fluttershy is eating my poop again
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Dude why is your poop so liquid? You have an illness.


Being a chicken is pure suffering.



fake and really gay

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whats going on haters
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Cap #1


Cap #2


Beautiful /fit/ white monogamous married couple with children together.

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That's all awful and weird. The lip fillers, tan, whatever it is that she's putting into herself. I guess (?) these people unironically think what they're doing is healthy?


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I was watching this recently/yesterday. I guess it's inspiring to some but it's really pretty cringe.

Roids... For what? And if you know what drugs do then you know its all drugs. There are so many other things they could do, some of which they still seem to do (hiking/camping/urban exploration), but still. And the girl (Abigail White) broke off with her "Christian"... (hmm) boyfriend Alex Eubank and a few months later had some colon inflammation (iirc) emergency which almost killed her.





more like shit-wife


i literally just had an "are you winning son?" situation occur. my dad aksed me what i was doing on my laptop and i told him i was making a creative project that will one day make me tons of money. i didn't lie to him. i told him the truth. but he was all weird about it. what is it with boomers? is it just dementia or a lifetime of zog brainwashing?
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>one day


She's still looking pretty good for six months homeless.



Nonce, not even clicking that shit


Too old

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Ive now gained my ability to feel atmospheric emotions pretty well but my body/mind is having trouble recognising the feelings as being strong cuz of the intrusive thoughts im still fighting against.
I am having issues with recognising weather im relaxed or not too

In other news, cuz of my diabetes ive been on a clean eating ketogenic diet for 4 or 5 weeks now, and its not so bad because i can eat rice-paper roles in moderation. I am meant to stay away from vegetable oils too but im assuming sesame oil and palm oil are okay cuz of my limited research. I ate a dragonfruit today and cuz i have almost no sugar, it was extremely sweet to me.
And its so freaken cold today my heater is barely doing anything.
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We interrupt this broadcast with...




Nobody cares you sow.



gay and retarded

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Very high rn
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brain fried druggie scum


I have consumed the devil's lettuce once more


puff puff pass my nigger




loosening up your bum for big willies, hm?

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What do you think we should do to pedos such as this guy who goes by the name of Triagonal? https://archive.is/Ybi1c

He is not only a confirmed pedophile who lusts over a 14 year old boy, but he has a small, cult-like following of white-knights and are known for doxing, stalking and impersonation too. Also a genuinely bizarre individual in general who has lied about every aspect of himself. Claims to be from Pitcairn, claims to be a woman, and pretends to have DID as well.
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How old was Alexander the great when he conquered Iran? 9?


some believe so but others say he was much older than that! personally I think his real age was....

over 9000 XD


obvious samefag




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Dude dude geodude. Dude dude dude? Geo duuude geeoo dude geodude dude! Geodude geo geo geodude! Dude duude, Geo! Geeeeeoooooo~
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>[ - ]


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DUUUUUDE! GEOOOOO!!!!!!!! Dududude!!


Based and Dude pilled


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i HaVe A wEbSiTe

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