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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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mfw I see avid, FoKy, redx and/or Phantasm
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He looks so tense and angry. I bet he jack hammers his long distance twitch streamer gf with his small circumcised dick everytime they meet once a year irl.


>how dare you take away our victimhood
This is why we need euthanasia.


He's tired of the grift, but he presses on. He's still got some soul left, but he's made a faustian bargain.


In the US? I thought you already had that?

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 No.43224[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Comfy Vidya thread: Wait Till They Find Out About Engines Edition


Low bit
High bit

Soundtracks welcome
see: https://youtu.be/kOd5_j0OTQo

wrap up and post some nostalgia based or comfy based video game materia in the itt thread thread
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I'd say post Halo. Halo really defined modern shooters, especially console ones. If you compare halo to goldeneye you'll immediately see why the game was such a massive hit.


Thinking back I liked Goldeneye a lot as a kid, but games like Turok 2 and Duke Nukem have aged substantially better, so what made Golden eye stand out? For one thing it had nice levels and a lot of options to keep games fresh. Another thing is the jank kind of worked in it's favor and created opportunities for a lot of stupid situations, like crouching down and slapping someone to death by staying in their blind spot.


True, I almost said Halo first, I guess I brought up CoD instead because of the "aim" mechanic but honestly just the twin stick input was the biggest revolution easily-Medal of Honor had something in-between (twin stick input with held position aiming) but never came close to Halo's popularity.


Because rare made it and they were considered a golden goose prior to microsoft destroying them.


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There is a FAKE RETARD going around using my flag!

DO NOT FALL FOR HIM! I am the only true 100% 99.7% White black man around here...
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tripcode my cock up your arse


shit on my dick, gypsy scum


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Do what, fuck cougars?


>Thinking of boofing some DXM up my ass.

Never thought of that. Not sure it would even work.

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"uh, um, one heroin please"
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I swear I'm gonna be like that one dude who lived to be 90 whilst having 60 cups of coffee a day. I will somehow just keep livin' despite all the drugs. I just have that feeling lol.


these studies seem like a jewish trick, most of the junkies I've encountered were retards


Junkies love to act like drugs are a spiritual experience when really it's the exact opposite. It's cheap pleasure. Stoners tell me that humans are supposed to smoke weed just because cannabinoid receptors exist. When it comes to the herbal Jew they are religious.


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There's a difference between the spiritual-experiencers, the junkies, addicts, casual users and all the above. Don't get it twisted.


I use hallucinogens only pretty much, the philosophers drugs...

Well its both

I'm all of that except a casual user

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 No.18085[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Beautiful White Women thread #2
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Goodbye thread


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I want to hate fuck Miley so bad


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Where is somebody suppose to get a loan if the Jews at the bank refuse to give you one without a reason?
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To fulfill my dreams.


False. Jews only cannibalize themselves when there's not enough goyim around, like in NYC and Israel.


Jews mutilate children


I am well aware. My dick has been mutilated.


Cryptofinance lenders


Wow, Jeffrey Epstein, the former Prime Minister of Israel and Noam Chomsky are all so talented; they all knew so much about the Israeli Palestine conflict that they met in Epstein's apartment to compare notes
I wish I were as talented as these gentlemen
How did they manage to learn so much about geopolitics, I mean I understand the former PM of Israel knowing but those other guys, their day jobs have nothing to do with politics, that's so cool
Oh my god they also managed to almost meet up with celebrated filmmaker Woody Allen
That's awesome
I bet he knows a lot more about geopolitics too
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Plus other stuff. And nobody did a god damn thing about it.


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>free speech



two retarded faggot nonces


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dead or alive I hope

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Ok so the ingrate neighbours next door to me have my phone monitored and theyre threatening my life right now, audible spoken word viable tangible threats

What do?
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y tho


Sting is a wrestler, not a singer.


It's shite


She looks like she would date some well to do squeaky clean beta fag


She's a libtard

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If not, I know some one who can create one...
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how do i commit suicide easily (UK)


>Hawthorne heights


Shut up fag


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I want to massage cherry crush till she c*ms


Misread generic as geriatric...okay.


I farted and it stink of piss this time aeeuuueeehhh


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Yeah well that's just like your opinion, man.

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 No.23439[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

They have all died Louis, I am making the post that you said me to, goodbye I guess and 'Goodnight sweet moon lip'

Barbara is a serial killer

How safe are YOUR nuts

ask yourself



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what is this thread




Oh wow you disgusting cunt



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Its simple, its about groupies. In the 2000s I was big into music and I noticed that so many bands release 1, 2 or 3 good albums before totally selling out. My theory is that once they get big enough for groupies, they have a lot of sex and they fry themselves just like people do with drugs. They get addicted to the pleasure hit and all their motivation for making real music plummets. And so they get a mainstream/big record company to make their sell out shit. The average normie is retarded as we all know and they can't tell whats good so they eat it up.
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cringe and NEL


This happened with Muse, Arcade Fire, Marylin Manson, and Birthday Massacre. One band I discovered, Moth, had a fantastic first album, but everything afterward just sounded like generic rock. Very disappointing.

You are correct. Real music is suppose to be cultural and communal, something you hear and participate in irl with other people. Real music is an approach and connection with the divine.


I imagine underground music or stuff like the more extreme but somewhat lesser known metal (like Cryptopsy) might be exempt from this rule because the gigs are sausage fests.

I went to a small, underground mixed hardcore punk/metal gig in the late 2000s and it was like 80% men, and I think there were even some crust punk influences there which seems to attract women for whatever reason.


So what you're saying is that women killed my bands. Time to go out and do some hate crimes.


Probably depends on the tone of the music the band puts out l, different genres but different fans in the same genre

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hey i missed 4chon especially the tinychat. heres a pic i took at a VR stripclub
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What about the fact that the sexbot would effectively be a CIA spy-drone similar to those 'digital assistants' like Alexa or google home?


Why exactly are you worried about IC data mining your sexual fantasies?

Put aside the violent invasion of privacy, being able to see you in what you feel is 1 of the most intimate core of your being...

What exactly can the govt do to you based on knowing you like titties or eating pussy?

I ask bc the invasion of our literal brains by technology is already happening. Steven Hawkins moves his wheelchair w his thoughts. Elon wants to hook your brain up to your coffee maker... Might as well prepare mentally for direct invasion


Im fine with that


>I ask bc the invasion of our literal brains by technology is already happening.
Not really. As it is hooking things up to your brain is no more complex than a capacitive touch screen or a clap lamp. It's just calibrating a signal given by the subtle changes your brain makes when told to think about something.


Wonder who that is

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In Britain they can openly hold signs saying 'Queer Joy is For All Ages' and give your kids hormones/castrate them, and no one cares.

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You are wrong... retard!


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>thats their fucking problem i


[-] exists for a reason bri'ish karen


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Oh piss off!


Long live the King

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Imagine The Smell


Gay as fuck lmao


Su day comfy on the couch vibes idk haha lol xDddd


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