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new 'toss
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4chan is full of christcucks shilling and spamming, and /r/atheism never recovered from the fedora jokes


more like christcucks spam fedora memes whenever someone who doesn't worship their kike god dares to speak up


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when using a knife, the regular tin cans with no opener lip are to be opened from the top by just cutting the surface like paper pushing the knife kind of from the side approximately around the round edge, simply ensuring an ok opening flap with no loose metal ending up in the contents

cutting the can top off from the side is a really bad idea as that tin material is different - while it cuts well, it shears outwards around the cylinder making a very sharp and irregular rough edge with scary very sharp tin whiskers constantly peeling off, that can end up mixed in the food or cut u there on the spot


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if you're like me you like to watch this asteroid watch livestream
and hope and pray with all of your might that one day we'll be hit by one and the earth will fucking die

this place is a complete hellhole, we are at our core, drenched in sin, everything here either kills or dies, society is a complete farce, we are all at least in some way no matter how small, all inbred, our DNA is not what it should be, we are lesser 5 digit beings, probably the shittest around, or at the most very very fucking average, middle of the road

we are positively and absolutely CONTROLLED by fear, absolutely all of us, its pathetic

all anyone ever cares about here is how they are perceived, chasing that rise in heartrate, no matter what the cost, nobody here has the courage and patience to do anything worthwhile, nobody here wants to simply do nothing either, even meditation is an exercise

we are objectively fucking pathetic, earth NEEDS to be wiped out, we cannot spread to any other planets, we are too reptile brained, our priorities are too misdirected

the only thing that keeps me going is that every night I get to leave this place and be in the darkness inside my brain, but every morning I am back, to live on this shitty rock with people I truly despise, people that don't deserve to be here, the concept of procreation is disgusting

please god destroy us, we are pure evil, free us from this prison
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Post it.





you can lick after he posts it


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 No.21853[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I'm going to rape avid
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Alchazar was such a faggot


Correct, but yb is an ugly dsygenic kike and absolutely was collecting CP and wasn't shy about it.
He used to fish for it on imgur.com random image generators while in tinychat, back when it's moderation was loose and you could upload an image to imgur without registering an account.
I want to believe >>74681 is him.


the resemblance is uncanny, also, related to that stupid fuck ybnvs, I joined the /4ch0n tinychat one night and he was there, some nigger joined, said something in a language I didn't recognise, then the nigger dipped and then ybnvs dipped, weird mossad-type shit

the resemblance of ybnvs and >>74681 is uncanny, it has to be him


to add: ybnvs also seemed to have quite a stack of bitcoin, as he posted screenshots of such, probably his payment wallet for selling CP, time of arrest for this worm also checks out with the axing of the tinychat, or at least the disappearance of the aforementioned ybnvs, stupid fat cunt, hope he's being raped over and over by nig nogs in prison

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Ay Tone, how come dis "Holocaust Denial Videos" site doesn't say a damn word about hymies? It's just pictures of cartoon horses and someone's fockin' mixtape!?
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I don't remember it because it never happened.




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you really like talking about your hobby huh



How do I purge my mind of all the shit I've seen on the Internet?
I want to go back to my happy-go-lucky self, before /b/ and before 4chan in general.
Is there a way to do this? I must do this to gain back my sanity
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Internet retard-cattle like to pretend most adults don't spend the vast majority of their time wagecucking and running errands, while using what little free time they have staring at the electric jew. People don't even use the internet primarily as an "escape", they use it because they have no energy left for anything else, and have nowhere else to go even if they did.



Blow off face with gun but still live. Yikes.


 No.37861[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Body count Americans will say shit like this about men and then be like 'so what if I've slept with 59 people, the past is the past it says nothing about who I am', or 'why do you keep saying the sexual revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race, what does that have to do with age gaps, sex trafficking and the dehumanisation of women and men in dating apps'.
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you are gay



This _woman_ (ahem) is such cringe-bait. The ESL, the marketing gimmicks, the plastic face, this weird attempt at becoming a "high class" or "elegant" woman or something.


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Looks like lip and cheek fillers, maybe botox because of the unnatural smoothness in some areas. Lol. Wonder if she bought subs

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what is a good way to use money to help those in need and not have it go to a money laundering scam or be squandered?
ideas would be appreciated
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Avid. H'whats your problem bud?


i am a retard


She looks like her pussy stinks of shit and piss and sweat


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stob ribght ber cribibal spum

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Has pronunciation of words always been the same?

The way we say certain words, how do we know they are supposed to be pronounced the way we pronounce them? What if they were said differently when they were created? Also I believe this could also apply to the names of historical rulers.

For example Genghis Khan, we say it very casually, example (gehn giss kaan) I think it may have been pronounced with as much gusto as humanly possible, the potential reason being that if someone were to say his name lazily they might have been murdered, I also believe that by extension in modern day, us not doing this may contribute to the normalisation of acceptance of these otherwise disgusting deplorable genocidal bastards, even Hitler is getting this same treatment, the pronouncement of his name becoming more and more casual, I feel bastards like those their names should be said as you would the name of satan, although even satans name is said too casually.

Back to my first point, names we have become accustomed to could have been said totally different years ago, I'm not sure if there are records that exist on the correct way to say these words, not just the names of people but things (examples: space, the sun, the moon, stars, gravity) but I feel as though this could reflect on society's shifting priorities/interests.
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Is that one of those things from the halo games? I don't get quite what you mean by this tho, how is one pronunciation more gustified than another?
I don't know that this is such a good idea, I talk like this and it is off-putting to people, they say I look like a zombie or not expressing any emotion, like flat affect or whatever unless I'm around someone I'm comfortable enough with. People can tell when one has walls up and it discourages them from interacting although people do tend to assume I am smarter / more responsible than I am, discretion is the better part of Valor as they say


OP used to be pronounced fah-git

in fact... I still say it that way


>Is that one of those things from the halo games?
you already know it is why even ask that

> I don't get quite what you mean by this tho, how is one pronunciation more gustified than another?

it's specific pronunciation attributed to both importance and necessity, where did I say one pronunciation was more justified than another?


I was not sure cuz I played that game like 15 years ago or something. Also I was not saying "justified", I was saying gust-ified ie with more gusto, I just have a hard time picking up on this difference in pronunciation


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Is it truly our species' fate to forever have indelible lines drawn between animalistic hylics and ourselves, the noble internet schizos who see the world for how it truly is and wisely ruin our own potential for conventional success and chances at what's considered a normal life by opting out of participating in any meaningful way entirely?
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kys avid

jyoti hates niggers



yes, we know- you lick all the nigger erections because the indian women refuse to



your parents will die, and then what? how soon before you follow them? was attempting to court a part-jewish middle-aged minor (not how you wish that meant btw) lolcow worth sperging where you shit and eat, champ? lol


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oh ok


Seems like there's been an uptick in Gundam model building and model building in general. Any idea where this came from? heh


Zoomer weebs need to consume product and stick it on a shelf.

Most of them don't even watch gundam.


I haven't noticed that so I'm not sure what you mean.


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 No.64679[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

what is happening is the vaxxed are finally dying off and the governments will simply claim their deaths are because of a "new covid variant". It is the vaccine that is killing people. And they will enforce new lockdowns, and more vaccines, which will kill even more people.

The vaccine is what is killing people. This new "covid variant" is simply to cover up the vax deaths and instead blame them on this fake new covid wave.

The next lockdowns won't end, since the vax deaths will continue increasing. The end of the modern world is coming. The new world order awaits.

If you took the vaccine already, then get right with God, now.
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you called?


Is that a woman or a troon?



Remember when internet politics enthusiasts were shilling this nigger, claiming Texas was going to secede under his leadership? Here we are 4 years later, and that didn't happen. Are they not ashamed of being so gullible?


 No.50003[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

beautiful white women
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 No.54453[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Good morning,

White women are worthless nigger whores.
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Is she sexually harassing that nigger?


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Stonetoss has one again brutally eviscerated lolbergarians
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stop licking nigger erections

you WILL get AIDS



can this website loan me money for bus pleas
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Here (you) go! It is more blessed to give than to receive!


Here op. Poo in loo & gib dis to (you)!


Wow. This thread is amazing. Look at all the people receiving money. What a christmas miracle!


it made me cum


To each their own!

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