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 No.3337[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

In this thread we will talk about anything related to sleep, dreams, nighttime, etc
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Today's dream: made a tower out of trash.

Genuinely. All the customers, shitty managers, it all came back to me. Never again.


Had a dream about living in a small village. People were friendly and kindhearted, and I used my pickup truck to run small jobs for them since there weren't many vehicles in town. A really chill and happy dream.


The bums begging for change outside practically live a life of luxury compared to the retail wagie.
Truly something people can only dream of these days.


The life of a wagecuck in 2025 is so comically miserable it feels like employers read bombastic pro-neet memes from 2016 and said to themselves "yeah, that's a great idea, lets make that reality".

 No.75838[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

retard nigger spic tranny faggot kike spammed first one well past bump limit
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can we have a pony thread
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Telling you the reality of the situation is cheerleading for China?


Avid is literally retarded. It isn't worth trying to reason with him. Just call him a faggot and post a tiktok video or two to drive him to suicide.

As an aside, I find it interesting how many people buy into the US propaganda about China. Even people who otherwise think the government is full of shit believe the most ridiculous shit about the USA's designated foreign enemy. You are not immune to propaganda I guess.


>Telling you the reality of the situation is cheerleading for China?
You aren't telling me the reality. You're cherrypicking what you like about reality to craft a narrative that lets you believe you can win a petty internet argument because you're a moronic loser. Acta non verba anyway, retard. Keep sucking that tiny yellow dick because you want to fantasize about the grass being greener since your own life sucks. You'd be a loser regardless of wherever you live.
>Just call him a faggot and post a tiktok video or two to drive him to suicide
Considering how much you whine about your boogeyman nonstop, you seem mentally unwell enough to actually kill yourself over something so meaningless.
>As an aside, I find it interesting how many people buy into the US propaganda about China
See response to the previous post.
>You are not immune to propaganda I guess
Indeed you aren't, you pretentious retard.


Afraid of losing your job as an American shill, Peter?


1 RMB has been deposited into your account, auspicious gweilo!

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I was on the bus and the bus was stopped at a stop and these two were standing taking a picture with their cameras, from my perspective they were aimed right at me, like directly at me

this is the second time this has happened

what's the odds of me being stalked?
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Modernity sucks.


How to Reply to Negative Comments (90s Tutorial)


98962 is a masterclass in how to cry harder when the internet old folks don't masturbate your little inflated zoom-zoom ego like how you want them to. Boo, hoo, hoo... :(


That was pretty funny heh


>usa/soviet military: akchually we need to put our nuclear weapons operators higher up in the sky (on the moon and mars) for the better angle of destroying all life on earth
>normies: le naturally faustian humen spirit johnny rocket reaching for the stars america #1 waow purpose and optimism consoomerism
>usa/soviet military also: fuck it's too expensive to bother with


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Dial 555 for this site sux


trips confirm this site suxxx

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Just got my Permit to Purchase for the first time in a while. I sold my Smith and Wesson M&P Shield to my uncle during the covid riots, but now with the emergent threat of the Wokeler and potential Cartel violence (apart from the ever-present miasma of local drug addict/minority crime that's never gone away), I thought it'd be a good time to re-arm.

Any interesting developments in the firearm meta these past 5 years, my fellow americans?


I don't want to get a gun because my brother is a tard with suicidal tendencies.


Hell yeah, brother. I still need to improve my arsenal. Right now all I have is a lousy Derringer.


>>99500 (dubsy wubsy)
a gun would probably cheer him up, duder!


You need to get him a gun so he can turn those suicidal urges outward.

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Hope you've eaten your fair share of hair this year, otherwise the Winter Man won't come.

Previous threda: >>>/lounge/77180
Archive: https://archive.ph/ZV3Hs
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Adult Swim has done one not-gay thing recently and has slowly been uploading HD versions of XRA to YouTube. Frittata.


All well animated shows.


Infinitely better. What a missed opportunity.


Common Side Effects looks okay; I like the general idea of it (a guy discovers a cure-all panacea and the big pharma people want to get him heh). I think it has some episodes on youtube so maybe I'll check it out. Hopefully it doesn't turn out to actually suck and feel like a huge waste of time, but this is [current year + 10] mainstream media we're talking about.


It says Mike Judge is an executive producer for it.


I have successfully created the most potent anti-christian image ever
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I hate Christianity, because they're zionist death cultists, who are practically no different than Heaven's gate. They worship Jews, and not just Jesus, earthly Jews, and no matter how bad things get they cope thinking to themselves, "oh boy things sure are shit, but the rapture is going to come any day now to rescue me from my horrible earthly existence!"


>It's been 60 years of hell but at least I'll spend an eternity in paradise after I die because of this one specific belief



>A Minnesota woman has been charged with the murder of her husband in the southern African nation of Angola last year while the couple and their five children were there on a Christian missionary trip, their church has confirmed. Beau Shroyer, 44, from Detroit Lakes, was found dead in a vehicle in Thienjo, a town in southern Angola, in October. His wife, Jackie Shroyer, was arrested in connection with the death in November and is accused of forming a murder-for-hire plot. The family's church, the Lakes Area Vineyard Church, confirmed Monday that she has now been charged as a "co-author" in her husband's murder.

>Manual Halaiwa, spokesperson for investigation service, told the agency that there were "strong suspicions of a romantic relationship between the person who ordered the crime and her accomplice, the guard at the couple's residence."

>Beau Shroyer worked as a student resource officer for the Detroit Lakes Police Department, which prompted students to call him "Officer Nice Guy," according to an obituary shared by a local funeral home.

>"He became committed to finding ways that he, alongside his family, could serve the Lord by providing love, inspiration, and kindness as well as life’s necessities to the children and families in Africa," the obituary said.


lol cuckhurt


any reason why drawing is not feel the same upside down. like you can tell the form goes where but like, not the specific lines, idk

like is the brain left and right because you have hard time doing the other way around before haha, ha, ha.... i guess its actually 1080?


It is strange. Beginning drawers will try and draw things upside down because that can allow you to detach from "symbolic thinking" of how it should look and instead learn to represent things accurately. The slight removal of one's awareness makes it easier to see things objectively


Btw doré's illustrations of the Tale of the Don are super


>>99492 not sure what dat means anymore. i never understood symbolic thinking either. now i draw upside down (from memory)
and flipping it and it do not look the same at all with the usual one.
one can probably "flip" by reflections but thats also tooled than actually natural. also the foundations you practice suddenly do not work the other way, nor if you practice "seeing", you will not understand a thing the other way around
>>99493 all public domains are. no wait. are they. i mean, what else.


Drawing upside down is a means to unlock a non/beginner-artist's ability to make visual measurements, it's a one-off exercise not an art style or whatever. tf are you doing man lmoa


>>99499 dunno my not upside down is better to do but you are the teacher securing correct by all means is part of legislation, I guess the gamer nerd were never that intelligent. You just went bonkers giving so little benefit. Or given. Oh waits that's a cliche.

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How many of you were dumb enough to fall for the Epstein meme?
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The what?


The only retard doubling down is you by abandoning the first argument you lost and trying to deflect to muh Epstein. You're so fucking pathetic LOL.


>boo hoo hoo moooom they didnt let me join the elite babyfuck club
You think your bitching about how raping kids should be legal is somehow supposed to be endearing? You're easier to kill than the connected freaks actually guilty of it, dumbass retard nigger. Shut the fuck up and kill yourself already.


The Qfaggot butthurt over today's rug pull is off the charts.




>"All mental states have mind as their forerunner, mind as their chief, and are mind-made. If one speaks or acts with an impure mind, suffering follows, as the wheel follows the hoof of the ox. If one speaks or acts with a pure mind, happiness follows, as one’s shadow that never leaves."- Buddha, Dhammapada verse 2

ITT we speak and act nice
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I lol'd



having a melty?

a little manic?

im hyperventilating right now


you have good taste in ponies

I rank fluttershy as second after rarity


You'd all probably look cooler as roadkill.


Purity of act is not necessarily nice, but I respect the op :]. I would consider a pure action is one that is done for its own sake, not for results

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 No.78548[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

what are some of ur fav animes?? i need some recommendations cuz im bored. my favs are azumanga, demon slayer, madoka and d4dj
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Gurren Lagann is good. Was forced to watch it and was glad for the experience



>It got pretty silly, but the show didn't take itself seriously from the get go.
I would need to re-watch it for an accurate analyses, but I disagree. It tried to have serious moments. It wasn't all jokes and nonsense 100% of the time like Bobobo or Cromartie High School. I remember feeling a bit disappointed about the latter half, and I suspect that they had their ideas tainted by fan feedback, since it was still being animated as it was airing.


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Syncing these up to play at the same time is kinda trippy.

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Looking for a game title where it features a meat shop clerk going on to throw trash but then returning in to find killers attacking him. The game is fair simple with slashing about by only using mouse
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anythin else? it has a whole album (which is what i am looking for) of a punkrock(or idk what is music genre) album attached to it, but i cant rmb the title either. and it has this, cover of a young, red hair, in, apron or what u call it, bloody and stuff. green colour


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allah invented LLMs for a reason


I believe this game is called "poop killer" it sounds goofy but I remember seeing someone playing UT before


Oh wait nvm I missed the part about an album, but otherwise it was just like you described


Thread is solved. Thanks for time. I used chatgpt for that. About the same. Totally incorrect. The game is star fetcher btw, also maybe it wasn't on steam. Or was it? I can't remember. Now there's a new one too. Dangit.

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any idea how is this thing almost a single, EG? or HG? wtf? how to make it cheeper? why is it so expensive? does it fit on every other kits? also balljoint is outdated, if the thumb uses two axis for swivel doesnt it spin to all- ok i cant, i cant, complete this sentence nor does it make sense.
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All these off topic should give me 25c at least per report, but I guess you are not real axis either. What a bunch of phony...theists. oops, your brooch is showing off.


>retard is begging for loose change now


Damn it's like fighting fish but not really. This could be redeemed but nobody is that patient or any patient so I don't need to handle a single nonsense of theirs I guess. Also it's all nonsense. Keks


She looks so frail. Like she's as light as a feather. You could just pick her up and hold her down wherever you'd want.


a quarter? whaddya need a dime for? would you really shake me down for my last nickel? alright, I'll give you a penny as change from that dollar you owe me, goy!



What's your favorite movie and why?
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>muh [boogeyman that hasn't openly posted here in two months]
You seem to have a lot of mental issues yourself.


Post bussy slutvid.


>fetish bullshit
You seem to have a lot of mental issues yourself.


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I need to rewatch this and Heavy Metal (which 5E ripped off).


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