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what are some of ur fav animes?? i need some recommendations cuz im bored. my favs are azumanga, demon slayer, madoka and d4dj
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Jahy-sama is a cute slice of life show. It's about the general of the demon lord army trying to get by in the real world after the demon realm was destroyed by a magical girl. Most of the time Jahy is small because demons derived their power from a huge mana crystal the magical girl destroyed, but she uses shards of the crystal to perform her duties working at an izakaya during the day.


I found the storyline quite relatable... the gay sex scenes were great, too!


I have aids btw


This was one of the worst shows I've ever seen. Dropped it on episode two. It's just low budget, zero effort pedobait


Not everything with little girls is pedobait. The lewdest thing this show has is sometimes her oversized shirt exposes her shoulder. I read probably 90 chapters of the manga and I wouldn't have stuck with it if it were what you say it is.

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Thread #1 featuring Sam Suleks RETARDED eating regime
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>may 1: a 'lean' cool college muscle car surf dood, the future is bright
>may 29: tutsy toddler babyman who probably can't straighten his arms and stomps and waddles around, gets a nasty rash from friction of his inflated thighs


borrowing my brothers bench and im now slightly paranoid of failing a rep and having an accident


Stick to dumbbells and just do decline pushups for chest. They make these things you can use to hook them to and release them from a bar if you insist on bench pressing too though, heh


This is what I was thinking. He looks like he's got a tumor on his back. It aint normal.


i think im just going to stick to the barbell but be extra careful, ive watched a youtube vid detailing what not to do when home benching without a spotter and it seems pretty self explanatory, i tested it yesterday and i hit my reps no problem, but that was only 2 sets that i did as it was a rest day, tomorrow is my workout day so ill get a better idea of it all then

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>The boys ends with a seekrit right wing superhero takeover
>Meanwhile in real life the actual far left deep state tried to kill Trump
Has there ever been a writer who has been a bigger hack than Kripke? At this point this is like when people online started influencing Chris Chan's Sonichu plotlines


>watching the electric jew


its a snoozefest. Do not recommend.


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Written by a little bitch and a pussy tbh. The definition of a keyboard warrior.

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Seems like Sat&Sun around the Sydney CBD at 10am until late or whenever are the best times to find cuties.


Oh god that chocolate, specifically, is so addictive.

"Old Gold" fucking sucks. Had some of the regular dark choc whatev then hurled it. But that Lindt Hazlenut is amazing.


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did you ever try this when it was available?


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Yeah I remember something like that. Don't really remember the specific varieties but I think I bought them for family members birthdays.

I had this today it was also really good.



Swear I already posted that

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You ever notice fashion trends always involve looking stupid on purpose? Man buns, ear gauges, ripped jeans, tattoos, ect. If you want to be cool just make yourself look as stupid as possible.
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From /ck/ heh


my mom is like that. they still have a big plastic bag of condiment packets stuffed into a corner of the fridge at their house.


Same heh


she got an onlyfans? I'd love to tip her!!!!




Good new surf vid. Also there was quite a bit of good surf on the east coast of oz in the last 2 weeks.
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he's avid?



It does look like the deepthroat style gives the best footage. And I'm not doing that. I'll look more into the head-mounted or headband style here >>82314

In this vid the guy talks about how water droplets on the "action camera"(?) are one of the biggest issues and the cameras are all different in that some prevent it while others don't (the GoPro line doesn't I think).


The deepthroat camera made me laugh irl. What the actual fuck.

>I really really wouldn't want to hold a camera in my mouth

Yeah no kidding.


Oh dude, u realize he isn't putting the whole stick in his mouth right? LOLS!


Not disabling this >>83392 is like putting the whole stick in your mouth, dork.

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Its total bullshit that society is burning to the fucking ground and people can get on here and make jokes and post like life is cool and normal HAHAHAHAH well no one's fucking laughing. There's no fucking jobs, there's no fucking money,
no trust
no safety
no love
no forgiveness
no hope
no community
no morality
no God
no thing
Technology fucking sucks and just makes things worse. The industrial revolution has destroyed day-to-day human life.

obliviousfags are worse than faggots, worse than trannies, worse than pedophiles, worse than libtards. Fuck you.
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i dont know man, new vegas felt like it had more dialogue in it but hardly anywhere to go, even the big ticket locations seemed lackluster, freeside was ok but the strip was bland and everywhere else seemed sparse






found this site that ranks websites terms of services



I read the full Samsung TOS etc stuff for my s23 ultra earlier this year. I think you get easier at reading that stuff with practice. I felt like I was signing my life away through the Activision (COD) stuff.

 No.50550[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

vaporwave, retrowave, j-pop, k-pop, canto-pop, anime ost/bgm, japanese shoegaze, j-rock, 80s/90s pop, lo-fi, chillwave, classic hip-hop, chillhop, jazzhop, vgm music thread

plz include artist name & song title or no one will click your embed. spam gets deleted

previous threads:
>>22879 https://web.archive.org/web/20230326173628/https://4chon.me/lounge/res/22879.html

>Sola OP (結城アイラ - colorless wind)
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Just watched this. Looks heated. Full thing will be interesting
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New Nazi troll rat bros...


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>Can't answer the question 'do you believe in God' without filibustering like a psued about what 'do', 'believe', 'in' and 'God' mean
>Would immediately be able to answer whether he supports Israel


Too bad that alt-med treatment his daughter had him take didn't kill him.


My motto: if you are brown, I will frown.


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What's with the incessant fearmongering that's going on lately? I'm sick of it.
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The billboard is about right, but they're pretending such temperatures are unusual. The east coast isn't exactly suffering. Have these people in the south-west considered the fact that it's really hot because they live in a fucking desert?


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Last time I was in that region this time of the year was late June, 2006 and it was 99º or 98º every day.


yet now they're saying its 'hotter than ever'


Thank you nexrad stations


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Kennedy space center sits at sea level and NASA is currently expanding it massively.
At the same time NASA is also screeching about global warming making sea level rise by 2-4 meters by the end of the century. NASA has no plans to develop an alternative launch site thats further above sea level than Kennedy space center is.
So they pretty much know that they're lying about global warming.

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 No.75142[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Piggie wants someone to pay her to get fucked
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So are O9A faggots. Mystery meat bug-chasing subversive subhumans with prolapses and AIDS.


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Someone, bring the Dogi in please.
She must explain this entire affair.


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high quality thread bump

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 No.3337[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

In this thread we will talk about anything related to sleep, dreams, nighttime, etc
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whoa, meth AND hung black studs? Sign me up!!
t. Avid


kill yourself


I've had two different dreams with very similar endings recently. I find a barely intact (head, upper back and right arm) ghost opening a kitchen cabinet. It had a strong white glow and looked like it had bridal wear on. Didn't get a look at its face, but I think the hand looked emaciated like a dried-out corpse. First time I pissed it off by trying to disperse it like smoke and second time I twirled it around my hand like cotton candy and slammed it through refrigerator door. It felt like a chilly wind when I touched or held it. It angrily wailed and scared me awake both times. The muscles inside my ears stayed contracted for a bit after waking up.


>Be spirit
>DMT sleep realm
>want snack
>decide to go to kitchen
>open cupboard
>minding my own business
>wtf there's a humanoid spirit here
>they're still alive in the human world
>Omg wtf
>they rekt me for no reason
>twirl me around like cotton candy
>punch me through fridge
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that sound awful

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Could this man have saved Linux?


He's a fat cryptokike


Maybe but that doesn't necessarily answer the question. He seems to have an affinity for it and he may well be the only individual with the resources to make it competitive in ease-of-use and more importantly compatibility with Mac OS and Windows heh


Leave gaben alone!

Leave him alone...


it's probably just to spite microshaft since he used to work for them


i dunno but i enjoyed bowling for columbine and Fahrenheit 9/11

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 No.71034[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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…let me tell you about what I’ve got going on;
New sketch comedy writing classes start soon!

Come write with me, Sam!

Classes Starting This August

What makes Sam Brown feel qualified to teach sketch comedy writing? I assume you're all familiar with my work from Whitest Kids U' Know but aside from that I've been teaching a sketch writing course like this for over ten years. Also, I feel I should say, while I will reference Whitest Kids a lot, in my history of teaching there were a lot of students who were unaware or didn't even know the show, so don't worry if you aren't the most familiar with the show or even a fan of it.
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SECOND TIER CLASSES: (Required to have taken the Sketch 101: Structure class (or whatever it may have been called at the time), I don’t think of these as advanced though, just more focused)

-Sketch 202: Writing and Producing Sketches

Starting August 8th

Thursdays 5pm-8pm PT

In this class we focus on writing a sketch with the challenge of actually producing the sketch in some form. My goal is to push you to write your sketches in a more practical style and show you how to value your jokes. Don't worry about not having production skills as I will try and assist with that and show you options of how to work around that, and hopefully put you in a position where you can start to acquire these skills out of your necessity to produce comedy.

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The entire 8-week course will be $350. Payments can be spread over multiple weeks but to reserve your spot you will need to pay half and you will be fully paid by week 5. If this is still a problem for you feel free to write to me so we can be clear about the arrangement. I'm just trying to protect myself (and you) from having someone sign up and flake in class two and now they've taken up a spot for someone else who is serious about this. In my ten years this didn't happen all the time, but you'd be surprised how often it did.

Sign up in the next week (by Wednesday July 22nd, 11:59pm PST) and I will give you a $50 discount.

Students who retake a class get $100 off enrollment (as long as the classes don’t fill up).

If you would like to sign up simply click the button below to email [REDACTED]@Gmail.com with the subject line indicating the class you're signing up for:
“(Structure, Collaborate or Make a Sketch) sign up “
☝️pick one of those, don’t just do that verbatim.

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... I'm going with [REDACTED]on this one, anyone else?!


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Alright. [REDACTED] is going to die NEXT!!!

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