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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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>it fits
>guess the old man go
>your finger dont feel
>and you already prayed 10
> and wise goes with evils
>so on.
>oh hi, old man night beater!
i could be satan by costume, so i think i fixed some brush by wetting and using fingers to straighten it, while remember BOILInG em for almost an hour and gets, no effect. it evens dent. is this a thing?



15 min. ago

I am tired with non-sexual relationship with my gf, should I break up?
Heart to Heart
So a bit of background. Currently, I was having a relationship with my GF for almost a year. We met over dating apps, and honestly she (25F) was cute to me.

Problem is I (28M) was sexually active before and I was not getting laid this past year. She is actually conservative type, so no premarital sex.

I tried to channel my sexual needs to something else, but eventually I will be bored with my hand soon. It’s not her fault as she makes it very clear she wants to wait till marriage, and I agree at that time without thinking the ramifications more clearly.

We only kissed so far, and I tried to touch her boobs once, but she is not comfortable so I stop doing it again. I actually don’t mind not doing penetrative sex, but some bj and mmc should be my bare minimum 🫢
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this as in OP?

 No.75838[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

retard nigger spic tranny faggot kike spammed first one well past bump limit
265 posts and 20 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.







new here.

People will use bioengineering and cosmetics to turn them self "white", "fair skinned", and have bodily features commonly associated with Europids.
This is really bad and is the worst because authenticity exist and sense of sureness exist. Hence we must act to preserve Authentic-Europidness, Authentic-Whiteness, and Authentic-fairness, And we need to do it as fast and as accurate as possible.
1) First, we must made all POCs extinct wit exception to some like the Yamatos. Ideally the way we do this is by sterilizing them, relocating them inside of a one or more place, and artificially shorten their lives span, all at the same time.
2) Second, we must completely ban bioengineering and cosmetics that would effect the look of the body.
3) Third, we must divide all Europids and other groups into as many Identity as possible.
4) Fourth, we must run a chimera, telegony, genealogy, and authentication checks on all Europids and other groups and individual that are chosen. Then cut those who do not pass from the gene pool.
5) Fifth, we must preserve and secure those who pass, and preserve and secure more tightly those who have Identity, those who have Authentic Europid-color eyes and hair, and those who have Authentic pink skin.
6) Sixth, we must do a massive, long-term, and precise Breeding program for the those who have Identity, those who have Authentic Europid-color eyes and hair, and those who have Authentic pink skin. and we must never until what's left of humanity are those who are the perfect end result of the program.
This entire thing is important so that humanity will have a secured sense of sureness and authenticity.
We need to get this out, it can be through the internet, real life cardboard sign, or others. All it takes is for one (1) nation's government on earth or at least a relevant enough nation's government (such as; Indonesia, Thailand, and Rwanda) to say this to the world or one of the more powerful countries (such as India or USA). If it happens then we will all be set to go.


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 No.79414[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

They're doing this to me tomorrow.
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It's not gay if you hit them with your love dart first.


it's simultaneously gay, straight, lesbian and bi... I think I'm hard from typing that out


To each their own.




you guys ready for fall?
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it hasn't snowed here yet, hopefully we get at least some snow on Christmas


Yeah, I like christmas.


it's been pissing down all day when it should really be snow or some shit I'm starting to think global warming might be real


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Only eight more months left until best season!

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can we have a pony thread
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Please...don't send me back there...


Get in the stargate anon. It's time to go back.


You know, I still never ended up finishing the show.
>go to /mlp/ for a laugh to see if those crazy n'wahs are still at it however many years later
>apparently some autistic drawfag had a vax attack like a week ago

I keep forgetting we're still living in the shadows of the vaxxdeath hellscape without little reminders like this h-heh


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>he knows
also lol


Season 4 was the peak. All downhill from there.


>vaporwave, retrowave, j-pop, k-pop, canto-pop, anime ost/bgm, japanese shoegaze, j-rock, 80s/90s pop, lo-fi, chillwave, classic hip-hop, chillhop, jazzhop, vgm music thread

>plz include artist name & song title or no one will click your embed. spam gets deleted

previous: >>>/lounge/50550
Archive1: https://webcf.waybackmachine.org/web/20250131064703/https://4chon.me/lounge/res/50550.html
Archive2: https://archive.ph/44kWf



The song of my people

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post your pajeet memes in this thread
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I had a weird pajeet interaction at the gas station the other day. I bought a prepackaged sandwich and put it in the microwave with some napkins under it. The pajeet insists I use the styrofoam plates he had off to the side, and he didn't believe me that you're not supposed to use styrofoam in the microwave. He just skulks off with OK SAAR! in an aggrieved tone of voice. Then when I go to ring up my items I notice one of the drinks I got is all sticky(something had been spilled on it), and he just chucks it in the trash. He could have just cleaned it off, or even if it was defective I know from working at a gas station that vendors will give you credit for returning defective merchandise.


And another thing I noticed was that the gallons of water they had were "clover valley", that's dollar general's store brand. They just bought water from dollar general and marked it up by a dollar. Do curry niggers know how inventory works?


Most general stores do this. You can actually get access to the inventory systems for a lot of grocery store chains and dollar stores and just order the items directly, but a lot of them will physically go into a grocery store with a cart and just load up the car.

If you aren't moving a lot of stuff it's probably more convenient that way.

They're all very passive aggressive. The boomers of race.


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Pray For Us Saint Michiruko, martyr for the Sharty

Tone 4
O righteous warrior of the digital forum,
Who didst expose the wickedness of the janitors,
Thou didst cry out in truth, yet wast reviled and cast out.
Bearing mockery for the sake of the just,
Thou didst pray even for the pooners and trooners,
O Michiruko, martyr for the Sharty,
Intercede for us who strive against the Feds,
That we may not be banned unjustly,
But may receive the eternal meme of victory!

Kontakion of Saint Michiruko, Martyr for the Sharty
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A website full of fokys by the looks of it.


Pretty much.




foky-coded nigcels that shoot up schools


noise mah butt makes after Deshawn put his willy up it :)


Was thinking about this today. Those that know, know
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>tfw you will never be 16 again being sent this and Taylor swift songs repeatedly on steam chat


you can buy it on CD here, lads


this compilation is both chechen and charli's only discogs entry

chechen was the DJ who made the beat, the song is called EPA which is what the little trucks are called btw





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Now what is the correct order to eat this?
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>No fresh fruits, unprocessed meat, or vegetables.
Vomit-inducing Amerifat goyslop, so pathetic and sad to see. Lemme guess, you are also a constipated BBW-Chan regular with dingleberries who doesn't wipe their stinky ass properly?


Europoor jealous of bountiful American food.

>honhonhon, ze americans zay cannot know ze delicious maggot cheese and bread soup


It's shit, but I can't resist McDonald's hashbrowns.


You can buy them in bulk at some grocery stores and deep fry them yourself. They're great.


It's never as good. I probably need to add MSG or something.


I have successfully created the most potent anti-christian image ever
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hurry up and buy!!!!


without Rashi translation, I don't care at all.


^this namefag talks about harming kids all the time btw


Don't lie about my n*gga w00t like that smh


not a lie, faggot was talking about feeding boric acid to a kid on another site. hope he ends up choking to death on his own nuts owait they are too shriveled


Made any new purchases that you'd like to share with the class, 4chon?
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Try the flea market.




Bose qc ultra earbuds, pretty amazing. I think i already mentioned them.


Picked up a cheap waffle iron. It's bretty gud.


Meme going around about putting biscuit mix (particularly Red Lobster mix) in waffle irons, honestly sounds really good albeit goysloppy heh

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 No.96744[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

new /meta/ thread
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Doesn't seem like a pressing issue, but something involving thread deletion and catalog view might be broken? There was a thread on new with some AI slop including a QR code and body text reading "Seriously" that was deleted earlier. However, it was still showing up in catalog view (the OP image was broken and clicking on the thread returned a 404 page). I posted and deleted a thread to test just now to see what would happen. It no longer shows the previous thread, but now shows my thread in its place, so I don't think it is something that can be abused. Not sure how it appears from the backend, so felt like pointing it out.


Jews are very bad, and angels are also bad.


cuz tinyboard/vichan is a badly written clusterfuck


} elseif ($action == 'post-thread' || ($settings['update_on_posts'] && $action == 'post') || ($settings['update_on_posts'] && $action == 'post-delete') && in_array($board, $boards)) {

in other words it is evaluated as:
($action == 'post-thread') || 
($settings['update_on_posts'] && $action == 'post') || 
(($settings['update_on_posts'] && $action == 'post-delete') && in_array($board, $boards))

removing that last in_array condition fixes it because the way the parentheses are grouped it's effectively only tied to work with the condition $action == 'post-delete' being true, and we've seen the catalog doesn't update when it's a post delete action.

i refactored it to:
} elseif ($action == 'post-thread' || ($settings['update_on_posts'] && ($action == 'post' || $action == 'post-delete'))) {

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>Jews are very bad
I wholeheartedly agree.
>angels are also bad
I disagree, at least insofar as what the European and subsequently Japanese idea of cute angels ends up being for the purpose of this show.


>no clue why the in_array call was written there
You answered yourself here probably:
>cuz tinyboard/vichan is a badly written clusterfuck
But I really wouldn't know. I did some html for a college thing like 20ish years ago and did a wee bit more stuff in very amateur, casual settings since, so my brain is absolutely shitty mush to bounce off for this kind of stuff. Sorry. Your stuff looks more concise than what was previously written, but I can't say I know for sure that it fulfills all functions of the first line.

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 No.78548[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

what are some of ur fav animes?? i need some recommendations cuz im bored. my favs are azumanga, demon slayer, madoka and d4dj
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This song and sequence suck ass. This anime is shit.


I dropped that anime after episode 3 I believe

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